Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NYS Library Public Services Assistant Position

Position Announcement at the New York State Library

The Public Services Assistant will work with the general public in the Electronic Reference Station (ERS) area of the New York State Library assisting individuals in searching the Library’s online catalog, the Internet, and the Library’s many online databases. The candidate will also assist in the evaluation of databases, which may include helping to draft instruction sheets. Other duties can include assisting in updating the Internet bibliographies on the State Library’s web site and working with publishers to keep the e-journal list updated.

Qualifications, Hours & Compensation

Positions are open to matriculated SISP graduate students. Students can work up to a maximum of 20 hours a week. Attendance is flexible within the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

The rate of pay is $13.00 per hour.


The ERS is on the public floor and requires being able to work with a wide variety of members of the general public including children as well as experienced researchers. There are over 100 different databases available at the ERS that require the use of over 30 different types of software. ERS staff must be able to assist patrons in whichever databases are appropriate to answer their questions. They, working with the Reference Desk staff, are the primary staff who assist the public in using the Library’s electronic resources.

Established in 1818, the New York State Library is one of the oldest and largest state libraries in the nation and the only state library to qualify for membership in the Association of Research Libraries (ARL).
It ranks among the top 125 largest libraries in the United States and Canada.

The State Library is a modern public research facility for the government, people, and libraries of New York State.

To Apply
For further information contact Stephanie Barrett or Jane Pinder by e-mail at lslibri@mail.nysed.gov or by telephone at (518) 474-2274.

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