The Friends of Albany Public Library will honor Frankie Y. Bailey, as Author of the Year for 2007 at their annual Book & Author Luncheon on Saturday, December 1 at 12 noon at the Main Library. In for YOU SHOULD HAVE DIED ON MONDAY, released in April of this year, Professor Bailey continues to weave the tale of African American university professor and crime historian Lizzie Stuart as she comes face-to-face with her long lost mother, Becca. Following threads from her earlier cases, Lizzie uses her keen investigative abilities to research her own family's past and uncovers a web of murder and mayhem centered around her other. As the pursuit of Becca runs from the gangster-led Chicago of the 1960s to modern, pre-Katrina New Orleans, Lizzie rattles the wrong people, jeopardizing her interracial relationship with homicide detective John Quinn while putting her own life in danger. Ultimately, Lizzie learns that some things are better buried in the past.
You Should Have Died on Monday is the fourth novel in her mystery series featuring crime historian Lizzie Stuart. Frankie Y. Bailey is also the author of Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction, which was nominated for the Mystery Writers of America 1992 Edgar Award for Criticism and Biography. She is the co-author of "Law Never Here": A Social History of African American Responses to Issues of Crime and Justice, and co-editor of Famous American Crimes and Trials and Media
Representations of September 11th. Ms. Bailey has been on faculty in
the School of Criminal Justice at SUNY Albany since 1990. Her research focuses on criminal justice and American popular culture/mass media and social history, with emphasis on issues of race/ethnicity, class, and gender. Her fiction gives her an outlet to explore issues of race, class, gender, and justice that reaches beyond the classroom and academic journals.
The Luncheon at 12 noon is $15 and the lecture at 1:00pm is free of charge. To make a reservation for lunch, send a note with payment to the Friends of Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12210, leave a message at 427-4333, or e-mail at friendsofapl@yahoo.com.