Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New York EqualAccess Libraries 2005-2008 Report

The New York State Library has released the New York EqualAccess Libraries 2005-2008 Report: Training and support in developing community-responsive programming and services in public libraries.

The complete report is now available on the State Library's website: PDF version and HTML version.
The State Library partnered with Libraries for the Future (LFF), the New York Library Association (NYLA), and Public Library System Directors Organization (PULISDO) to bring the EqualAccess Libraries program to New York State in 2005.

Since then, 99 staff members from 52 public libraries and 11 public library systems have participated in the 4-day EqualAccess Libraries Institute, the cornerstone of the program.

EqualAccess Libraries was developed by LFF with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Its goal was to help public libraries across the country become more community-responsive.

Through a combination of lecture, scenarios, and group work, the Institute helped participants learn how to adapt and expand programming and services in new and innovative ways to meet community needs and interests-especially in this ever-changing digital age.

One participant said of the program: "Great workshops. The most productive workshops I have ever attended."

The report provides a detailed look at New York EqualAccess Libraries, from the Institute curriculum and sample agendas to specific evaluation and outcomes information.

For more information, please visit the State Library's EqualAccess Libraries page or contact Cassandra Artale, Library Development Specialist, cartale@mail.nysed.gov or 518-474-1479.

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