Saturday, May 30, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Tax Officials Identify Hard Working New Yorkers Who Did Not File For Tax Credits
Federal, state and New York City officials announced that the state Department of Taxation and Finance is mailing letters and amended federal and state 2006 tax returns to nearly 13,000 taxpayers who may be eligible for an additional tax refund through the Earned Income Credit (EIC).
To view the entire document please visit here.
To view the entire document please visit here.
Earned income tax credit,
Tax refund,
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Statement of Principles on Copyright Exceptions & Limitations for Libraries & Archives
In many countries, copyright law, through exceptions and limitations, has long supported the essential functions of libraries through statutes that permit functions such as preservation. But these laws have not adequately kept pace for uses of digital information.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Map of the Internet by Country Codes
Created by the team at Bytelevel, the map illustrates the 245 country codes, each two-digit code is aligned over the country it represents and is color coded with the legend below for quick and easy reference. The size of the letters represents the size of the country or territory (with exception of China and India, which were restrained by 30% to fit the layout).
Saturday, May 23, 2009
USA Government Channels on YouTube
This page points to all U.S. Government YouTube channels.
You’ll find content from the following agencies and organizations:
+ The White House
+ Library of Congress
+ VA
+ Corporation for National and Community Service
+ Dept. of Education
You’ll find content from the following agencies and organizations:
+ The White House
+ Library of Congress
+ VA
+ Corporation for National and Community Service
+ Dept. of Education
Friday, May 22, 2009
Board of Regents Adopts Amendments to Commissioner's Regulation 90.3 related to public library systems;
Assistant Commissioner for Libraries and State Librarian Bernard A. Margolis announced today that the New York State Board of Regents formally adopted amendments to Commissioner's Regulation 90.3, related to public library systems; specifically, Coordinated Outreach Services, Family Literacy Library Services and Adult Literacy Library Services. The amended regulations will take effect on June 11, 2009.
Specifically, the amendments will:
* Certain terminology relating to the approval of public library systems, specifically the Coordinated Outreach Services state aid to public library systems, the Family Literacy Library Services competitive grant program (formerly called "Enriched coordinated outreach program") and the Adult Literacy Library Services competitive grant program, are updated to conform to Education Law, section 273, as
amended by Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2005, Part O, and to accurately reflect the current implementation of the statute.
* The proposed rule adds the definition of "developmentally or learning disabled" to the special populations who are served by coordinated outreach.
* The "Enriched coordinated outreach program" has been replaced with a more appropriate name, the "Family Literacy Library Services Grant Program."
* Current operations of library systems are more accurately reflected and references to obsolete practices and terms are omitted.
To see the text of the amended regulations, please visit the State Library website here. For further information, please contact Cassandra Artale at
Specifically, the amendments will:
* Certain terminology relating to the approval of public library systems, specifically the Coordinated Outreach Services state aid to public library systems, the Family Literacy Library Services competitive grant program (formerly called "Enriched coordinated outreach program") and the Adult Literacy Library Services competitive grant program, are updated to conform to Education Law, section 273, as
amended by Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2005, Part O, and to accurately reflect the current implementation of the statute.
* The proposed rule adds the definition of "developmentally or learning disabled" to the special populations who are served by coordinated outreach.
* The "Enriched coordinated outreach program" has been replaced with a more appropriate name, the "Family Literacy Library Services Grant Program."
* Current operations of library systems are more accurately reflected and references to obsolete practices and terms are omitted.
To see the text of the amended regulations, please visit the State Library website here. For further information, please contact Cassandra Artale at
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
School, library budget passed
From the Albany Times Union web page:
School budget: Approved, 2,580-1,464
Library budget: Approved, 2,514-1,478
Library trustees:(3) - votes not available, but winners are
Esther Patterson
Andrew Bechard
Holly McKenna
School budget: Approved, 2,580-1,464
Library budget: Approved, 2,514-1,478
Library trustees:(3) - votes not available, but winners are
Esther Patterson
Andrew Bechard
Holly McKenna
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Underground Railroad Conference: Call for Proposals

“Gender, Class, Race, and Ethnicity in Abolitionism, on the Underground Railroad, and in the Struggle Since”
The Ninth Annual Underground Railroad History Conference
Sponsored by Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
February 26, 27, 28, 2010 in the New York Capital Region
The forces of gender, class, race, and ethnicity have deeply and complexly conditioned the Underground Railroad and the movements for freedom that have arisen in its wake. The theme of the 2010 UGR History Conference calls on us as academic scholars, independent researchers, performers, educators, and community members to examine the many ways that these forces interacted to shape the UGR and the struggles that followed it, and to consider how these interactions impact us today.
Possible questions to be considered:
• In what ways did gender, class, race, and ethnicity--individually or in combination-¬determine the programs, leaderships, activities, ideologies, and crises of UGR and abolitionist groups, locally and/or nationally?
• How did abolitionists and UGR participants understand, react to, and negotiate the contradictions of gender, class, race, and ethnicity in antebellum US society?
• What were the legacies of the UGR’s attempts to grapple with gender, class, race, and ethnicity for post-Civil war struggles for freedom and equality?
• How can we best learn from the successes and failures of the UGR and abolitionist movement in dealing with these forces in our work today?
Your proposal may be for a 60-minute panel session, workshop, cultural/artistic activity, media production, poster, or other exhibit that addresses these questions and this theme. While we urge that the content focuses on the theme, we also invite proposals on other important topics concerning Underground Railroad history. When possible, activities should encourage audience interaction.
Proposals should be no more than two double-spaced pages, and should include information on the following:
• Type of presentation (workshop, panel, etc.) and level of audience interaction
• Title and content, including topics of individual presentations, if any.
• Intended/appropriate audience
• Name(s), contact information (including work and home / cell phone), and brief biographical information on presenter(s)
• Technology needs
Proposals should be submitted by October 1, 2009
to URHPCR, PO Box 10851, Albany NY 12201 or via email to
For more information, see or call 518-432-4432
“The gold standard of Underground Railroad conferences...bringing together an extraordinary spectrum of attendees, ranging from noted scholars and authors to large numbers of interested laymen, in spirited and informative workshops which both bring history alive and open new avenues of research.” --Fergus M. Bordewich, author, Bound for Canaan
Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
researches, preserves, and retells New York's regional history of the Underground Railroad, highlighting the role of African-American freedom seekers and local abolitionists. URHPCR is a 501(c) 3 organization.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Call for nominations for two NYLA awards
Outstanding Advocate of Libraries and Outstanding Services to Libraries
May 30th is the deadline for nominations for two important New York Library Association statewide awards.
Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Award:
This award is presented to an individual who is not an employee, trustee or group primarily affiliated with library information services and yet has made a significant contribution of these services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - May 30, 2009.
NYLA - Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Information and Nomination Form available here.
Outstanding Service to Libraries Award:
This award is presented to an individual or group who has performed through their direct affiliation as an employee or trustee of a library or information service a significant contribution of these services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - May 30, 2009.
NYLA - Outstanding Service to Libraries Information & Nomination Form available here.
May 30th is the deadline for nominations for two important New York Library Association statewide awards.
Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Award:
This award is presented to an individual who is not an employee, trustee or group primarily affiliated with library information services and yet has made a significant contribution of these services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - May 30, 2009.
NYLA - Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Information and Nomination Form available here.
Outstanding Service to Libraries Award:
This award is presented to an individual or group who has performed through their direct affiliation as an employee or trustee of a library or information service a significant contribution of these services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - May 30, 2009.
NYLA - Outstanding Service to Libraries Information & Nomination Form available here.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
NYS Library Seeks Nominations
The New York State Library is seeking, by June 30, recommendations for membership in two important groups: (1) the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries and (2) the NOVELny Steering Committee.
1. The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries advises the New York State Board of Regents on State policy regarding the New York State Library, library development programs, legislation and library aid programs. The Council works with the officers of the State Education Department in developing a comprehensive statewide library and information policy and makes recommendations to the Regents concerning the implementation of the program.
The Board of Regents will appoint three Regents Advisory Council appointees to serve five-year terms from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2014. In addition, one member will be appointed to serve an unfulfilled term for two years. The Council meets four times a year: January (conference call), April (Board of Regents meeting in Albany), September (NYC) and December (NYC). Members of the Regents Advisory Council are leaders in a wide variety of endeavors across the State, including business, human services, education, and libraries. For more information, see
2. The NOVELny Steering Committee is comprised of library leaders from a broad spectrum of libraries and systems throughout the State and assists the State Library with review and implementation of the NOVEL Plan to guide electronic services in the State's libraries and to ensure quality information services to all residents. The NOVELny Steering committee meets four times a year, twice in Albany and twice by conference call. Terms are for three years from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2012. For more information, see .
The State Library particularly encourages recommendations of representatives of New York State's broadly diverse population, including but not limited to African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic origin/ancestry and people with disabilities.
Please send nominations, and if possible, a brief bio or resume, for the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries and/or for the NOVELny Steering Committee by June 30 to: Paula Paolucci, Office of the State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries, New York State Library, 10C34 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230; e-mail: .
1. The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries advises the New York State Board of Regents on State policy regarding the New York State Library, library development programs, legislation and library aid programs. The Council works with the officers of the State Education Department in developing a comprehensive statewide library and information policy and makes recommendations to the Regents concerning the implementation of the program.
The Board of Regents will appoint three Regents Advisory Council appointees to serve five-year terms from October 1, 2009 to September 30, 2014. In addition, one member will be appointed to serve an unfulfilled term for two years. The Council meets four times a year: January (conference call), April (Board of Regents meeting in Albany), September (NYC) and December (NYC). Members of the Regents Advisory Council are leaders in a wide variety of endeavors across the State, including business, human services, education, and libraries. For more information, see
2. The NOVELny Steering Committee is comprised of library leaders from a broad spectrum of libraries and systems throughout the State and assists the State Library with review and implementation of the NOVEL Plan to guide electronic services in the State's libraries and to ensure quality information services to all residents. The NOVELny Steering committee meets four times a year, twice in Albany and twice by conference call. Terms are for three years from September 1, 2009 to August 31, 2012. For more information, see .
The State Library particularly encourages recommendations of representatives of New York State's broadly diverse population, including but not limited to African Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Hispanic origin/ancestry and people with disabilities.
Please send nominations, and if possible, a brief bio or resume, for the Regents Advisory Council on Libraries and/or for the NOVELny Steering Committee by June 30 to: Paula Paolucci, Office of the State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries, New York State Library, 10C34 Cultural Education Center, Albany, NY 12230; e-mail: .
Friday, May 15, 2009
Make a Difference at Your Library!
The Albany Public Library budget vote and candidate election is on Tuesday, May 19.
Please take a few minutes to cast your ballot
between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. next Tuesday.
Make your voice heard on the future of your library.
For more information, visit
Please take a few minutes to cast your ballot
between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. next Tuesday.
Make your voice heard on the future of your library.
For more information, visit
President Requests $265,556,000 for Institute of Museum and Library Services
President Obama has requested $265,556,000 for fiscal year 2010 for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The request, which was transmitted to Congress last weeky, represents an increase of $1,453,000 over the FY 2009 enacted level for the Institute’s programs and administration. The proposed budget will support museums and libraries as they provide unparalleled value to the public, fuel knowledge sharing, and energize our economy, creativity, and competitiveness.
The President requested $213,240,000 for the nation’s 123,000 libraries. Of that amount, approximately 80 percent is distributed through the Grants to States program to the State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and freely associated state, according to a population-based formula. These grants help libraries meet the community needs, use technology to develop new service models and reach underserved populations.
Source: Institute of Museum and Library Services
The President requested $213,240,000 for the nation’s 123,000 libraries. Of that amount, approximately 80 percent is distributed through the Grants to States program to the State Library Administrative Agencies (SLAAs) in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, and freely associated state, according to a population-based formula. These grants help libraries meet the community needs, use technology to develop new service models and reach underserved populations.
Source: Institute of Museum and Library Services
federal government,
library budget
Book sale
This weekend there will a book sale at the home of UAlbany Emeritus Professor John M. Spalek, at 1039 Western Avenue, Albany. It will occur on Friday and Saturday, May 15-16, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There are mostly non-fiction books that Dr. Spalek accumulated as a lifelong scholar.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bus meeting
Citizens for Public Transportation will host a panel of neighborhood association representatives, discussing transportation needs and concerns, next Wednesday, May 20th at the Albany Public Library, 161 Washington Avenue. All are welcome. A CDTA rep will attend.
Technology and books: Is the novel too much for our technology-addled brains?
from the Chicago tribune:
The price of my relentless Internet use became clear the other day when I pulled a well-reviewed novel from a library shelf and all I could think was, “Man, this thing is heavy.”
I knew immediately that no matter how clever the book’s plot or delightful its wordplay, there was no way I would finish it. The part of my brain that once guzzled fiction by the hogshead has lost its thirst.
It’s a depressing realization for someone who majored in English and read the Russian masters for fun. I once prided myself on my ability to conquer the longest, densest text — I devoured the 500,000-plus words of “Les Miserables” during two months of subway commutes — but those days are over.
Too much surfing, scanning and tweeting has given me the attention span of a gnat on Red Bull. Today it’s all Google, no Gogol.
The price of my relentless Internet use became clear the other day when I pulled a well-reviewed novel from a library shelf and all I could think was, “Man, this thing is heavy.”
I knew immediately that no matter how clever the book’s plot or delightful its wordplay, there was no way I would finish it. The part of my brain that once guzzled fiction by the hogshead has lost its thirst.
It’s a depressing realization for someone who majored in English and read the Russian masters for fun. I once prided myself on my ability to conquer the longest, densest text — I devoured the 500,000-plus words of “Les Miserables” during two months of subway commutes — but those days are over.
Too much surfing, scanning and tweeting has given me the attention span of a gnat on Red Bull. Today it’s all Google, no Gogol.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Some interesting facts about Mother's Day
* The first official celebration of mothers in the United States took place in 1858. Anna Reeves Jarvis campaigned for a Mothers' Work Day in her home state of West Virginia to raise awareness about local sanitation issues. When Jarvis passed away in 1905, her daughter Anna pursued a national mother's day in honor of her own activist mom. Anna's efforts paid off when in 1914, Mother's Day was recognized as a national holiday by Presidential proclamation.
* More than 83 million mothers are living today in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. There are approximately 2 billion mothers living worldwide.
* Modern moms have an average family size of two children, while mothers in the 1950s had an average of 3.5 children. In the 1700s, women gave birth to seven to ten children each.
* Nearly 96% of all Americans participate in Mother's Day celebrations in some way. For example, the holiday is the peak day for long distance carriers and one of the busiest days of the year for restaurants.
* The founder of Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis, was vehemently opposed to the commercialization of the holiday. "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit," she once said. Despite Jarvis' opposition, Mother's Day is the second biggest gift-giving holiday in America, preceded only by Christmas. The National Retail Foundation estimates that Americans will spend more than $14 billion a year on Mother's Day.
* More than 83 million mothers are living today in the United States, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. There are approximately 2 billion mothers living worldwide.
* Modern moms have an average family size of two children, while mothers in the 1950s had an average of 3.5 children. In the 1700s, women gave birth to seven to ten children each.
* Nearly 96% of all Americans participate in Mother's Day celebrations in some way. For example, the holiday is the peak day for long distance carriers and one of the busiest days of the year for restaurants.
* The founder of Mother's Day, Anna Jarvis, was vehemently opposed to the commercialization of the holiday. "I wanted it to be a day of sentiment, not profit," she once said. Despite Jarvis' opposition, Mother's Day is the second biggest gift-giving holiday in America, preceded only by Christmas. The National Retail Foundation estimates that Americans will spend more than $14 billion a year on Mother's Day.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Underground Railroad Conference: Call for Proposals
Call for Proposals
“Gender, Class, Race, and Ethnicity in Abolitionism, on the Underground Railroad, and in the Struggle Since”
The Ninth Annual Underground Railroad History Conference Sponsored by Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
February 26, 27, 28, 2010 in the New York Capital Region
The forces of gender, class, race, and ethnicity have deeply and complexly conditioned the Underground Railroad and the movements for freedom that have arisen in its wake. The theme of the 2010 UGR History Conference calls on us as academic scholars, independent researchers, performers, educators, and community members to examine the many ways that these forces interacted to shape the UGR and the struggles that followed it, and to consider how these interactions impact us today.
For the full call document visit here (PDF).
“Gender, Class, Race, and Ethnicity in Abolitionism, on the Underground Railroad, and in the Struggle Since”
The Ninth Annual Underground Railroad History Conference Sponsored by Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
February 26, 27, 28, 2010 in the New York Capital Region
The forces of gender, class, race, and ethnicity have deeply and complexly conditioned the Underground Railroad and the movements for freedom that have arisen in its wake. The theme of the 2010 UGR History Conference calls on us as academic scholars, independent researchers, performers, educators, and community members to examine the many ways that these forces interacted to shape the UGR and the struggles that followed it, and to consider how these interactions impact us today.
For the full call document visit here (PDF).
Underground Railroad conference
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Start of A New Library
Embrace the start of construction with a special community groundbreaking ceremony. Neighbors, business owners, community members, and library fans are invited to join library leaders and distinguished guests to celebrate
-- Monday, May 11, at 11 a.m. - Groundbreaking ceremony at the John J. Bach Branch Library on New Scotland Avenue next to the Engine 11 fire station
This new library, plus the Arbor Hill/West Hill branch, are going to be jewels of their neighborhoods. Both are designed as state-of-the-art green buildings with diverse collections; lots of public access computers; distinct areas for adults, teens, and children; plenty of meeting spaces; and other features requested by the community.
-- Monday, May 11, at 11 a.m. - Groundbreaking ceremony at the John J. Bach Branch Library on New Scotland Avenue next to the Engine 11 fire station
This new library, plus the Arbor Hill/West Hill branch, are going to be jewels of their neighborhoods. Both are designed as state-of-the-art green buildings with diverse collections; lots of public access computers; distinct areas for adults, teens, and children; plenty of meeting spaces; and other features requested by the community.
Eight Candidates on Library Trustee Ballot
Eight Albany residents are vying for three open seats in the Albany Public Library Board of Trustees election set for Tuesday, May 19.
The library will host two special public forums to present the eight trustee candidates, and the proposed 2010 budget, on Monday, May 11, at 7 p.m. and Tuesday, May 12, at 4 p.m. in the large auditorium of the Main Library at 161 Washington Avenue. Polls are open on Tuesday, May 19, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The library will host two special public forums to present the eight trustee candidates, and the proposed 2010 budget, on Monday, May 11, at 7 p.m. and Tuesday, May 12, at 4 p.m. in the large auditorium of the Main Library at 161 Washington Avenue. Polls are open on Tuesday, May 19, from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
H1N1 Flu
Flu information from the US Centers for Disease Control and the NY State Dept of Health
The Web 2.0 Guide to Swine Flu from Salon
Should You Fear Swine Flu? from"No, but a healthy respect is called for."
Apparently, pork producers were peeved that the original appellation was problematic in promoting their product, partially causing the name change. Others were bothered as well.
How to Wash Your Hands

From the techies at UAlbany: As the Swine Flu story unfolds, we anticipate that scammers and cyber thieves will try to take advantage of the interest in this topic by sending out phishing messages and malicious attachments that purport to contain information and updates about the illness. The US-Computer Emergency Response Team has already issued the first alerts about such messages being circulated. In this case, the message contained a malicious .pdf file called "swine influenza frequently asked questions.pdf."
The Web 2.0 Guide to Swine Flu from Salon
Should You Fear Swine Flu? from"No, but a healthy respect is called for."
Apparently, pork producers were peeved that the original appellation was problematic in promoting their product, partially causing the name change. Others were bothered as well.
How to Wash Your Hands

From the techies at UAlbany: As the Swine Flu story unfolds, we anticipate that scammers and cyber thieves will try to take advantage of the interest in this topic by sending out phishing messages and malicious attachments that purport to contain information and updates about the illness. The US-Computer Emergency Response Team has already issued the first alerts about such messages being circulated. In this case, the message contained a malicious .pdf file called "swine influenza frequently asked questions.pdf."
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
URHP Walking Tours
Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 1:00pm
Meet at Albany Area Heritage Visitor's Center, Quackenbush Square
Moms walk free of charge
Phone: 518 432-4432
Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 1:00pm
Meet at Albany Area Heritage Visitor's Center, Quackenbush Square
Moms walk free of charge
Phone: 518 432-4432
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Mailing Services Prices Effective Monday, May 11, 2009
Remember. See full list here.
First-Class Mail Price
Letters – first ounce $0.44
Large envelopes – first ounce $0.88
Parcels – first ounce $1.22
Additional ounces $0.17
Postcard $0.28
Stamped Card $0.31
Stamped Envelope $0.54
First-Class Mail Price
Letters – first ounce $0.44
Large envelopes – first ounce $0.88
Parcels – first ounce $1.22
Additional ounces $0.17
Postcard $0.28
Stamped Card $0.31
Stamped Envelope $0.54
Saturday, May 02, 2009
information Literacy instruction vital to the success of libraries
Maryann Mori, Director of the Waukee Public Library in Iowa, explains how information literacy instruction is vital to the success of a library. She outlines all the benefits that result from this instruction, including increased library usage and greater appreciation of the librarian.
Tulip Festival
The City of Albany's highly anticipated spring tradition continues on May 8 - 10 where over 200,000 tulip bulbs blossom into a sea of colors just in time for this Mother’s Day celebration in Washington Park. Historic events take place annually, including the street scrubbing on State Street, the tradition of the Tulip Queen Coronation, Tulip Queen and Court Luncheon and Royal Tulip Ball Click here for details.
Friday, May 01, 2009
Restaurant Week May 3-9!
Some of the independently-owned restaurants participating in Restaurant Week will offer fixed-price, three course meals for the price of $20.09 beginning Sunday, May 3rd. Don't forget to make your reservations today.
For this spring event, not only will guests have the opportunity to enjoy great dining at a great value, but entertainment and hospitality special offers as well. Click here for details.
For this spring event, not only will guests have the opportunity to enjoy great dining at a great value, but entertainment and hospitality special offers as well. Click here for details.
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