Tuesday, June 30, 2009
WEBCAST TODAY: At 12:30 p.m. Gov. Paterson will discuss Senate Inaction
The following is a list of the most critical, non-controversial bills as identified and described by the governor's office as requiring immediate legislative action.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The segment will feature an interview with New Netherland Project Director Dr. Charles Gehring. One of the most unique history projects in America, the New Netherland Project provided the documentation and inspiration for Russell Shorto’s recent best seller, "The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America."
A program of the New York State Library, the New Netherland Project has been working since 1974 to translate and publish the official 17th-century Dutch colonial documents of one of America’s earliest settled regions. Originally created under the sponsorship of the New York State Library and the Holland Society of New York, the New Netherland Project has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the New York State Office of Cultural Education. Translated documents and other work by the New Netherland Project can be accessed at www.nnp.org.
Also based on the work of the New Netherland Project, the exhibit "Light on New Netherland" is the first to introduce adults and children to the scope of the 17th century colony of New Netherland. Previously on view at the State Museum in Albany, the exhibit will tour the regions once encompassed by New Netherland, appearing at venues to include the GaGa Arts Center in West Haverstraw, New York; the Museum of Connecticut History at the Connecticut State Library in Hartford; the Society for the Preservation of Long Island Antiquities in Cold Spring Harbor, New York; Federal Hall in Manhattan; and the FDR Library and Museum in Hyde Park, New York.
The book "Explorers, Fortunes, and Love Letters: A Window on New Netherland" further explores the history of America’s earliest colony with a collection of twelve essays. Designed to appeal to a general audience and scholars alike, the book features an opening chapter by Russell Shorto, author of The Island at the Center of the World: the Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan & the Forgotten Colony that Shaped
America. The book was published by the New Netherland Institute, formerly Friends of New Netherland, and Mount Ida Press in April 2009.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
2010 Census: A New Portrait of America

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Position Announcement - Facilities Manager
Albany Public Library is an urban library serving a population of 95,000 in the Capital Region of New York State and has a publicly funded budget of $6.7 million and a staff of approximately 75 FTE. Albany Public Library’s $29.1 million Branch Improvement Plan will see the opening of five new or renovated, LEED certified branch library facilities by mid-2010.
Minimum qualifications:
A) Graduation from a New York State registered or regionally accredited college or university with a Bachelor's degree or higher in engineering or a closely related field and four years experience in the construction, operation and/or maintenance of buildings, including experience in estimating construction and building service costs, directing installation or operation of mechanical equipment such as heating, air conditioning, power and light, etc. and three years of supervisory experience over building operations staff; OR
B) Graduation from high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma and twelve years of experience in the construction, operation and/or maintenance of buildings including experience as described in A) and three years of supervisory experience as described in A);
C) An equivalent combination of training and experience as described by the limits of A) and B) above.
SPECIAL NOTE: A valid NYS Driver’s License is required at the time of appointment and for the duration of employment.
Additional desired qualifications include experience with the opening and commissioning of new buildings and new building systems; experience with the operation and maintenance of computerized building management systems; knowledge of green building technologies and green practices regarding the maintenance of buildings and grounds; and familiarity with the operations, activities, and organization of public libraries.
The salary for this position is $45,000 and includes an excellent benefit package. This is a provisional Civil Service position. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Application review will begin on July 24, 2009. To apply send resume, letter of interest, and the names and contact information for three professional references to:
Marjorie Reinhart, Human Resources/Finance Manager
Albany Public Library
161 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12210
Albany Public Library is an AA/EO institution and is committed to increasing diversity within its organization.

Monday, June 22, 2009
Roles of public library technology in supporting E-government highlighted in new issues brief
You may view the latest post here.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
British Library Publishes Online Archive of 19th-Century Newspapers
Maev Kennedy
The Guardian
Thursday 18 June 2009
Over two million pages of 19th and early 20th century newspapers go online today, part of the vast British Library collection.
The 49 British national and regional titles cover events including the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815 "Vague reports have been made of the numbers slain on both sides ... We should not quote them if our silence could prevent the spreading of disastrous intelligence", the Morning Chronicle reported. There was also the banks crisis of 1878, the first FA Cup final in 1872, and the triumph of the music hall star Vesta Tilley in a talent contest.
The site http://newspapers.bl.uk/blcs holds journals including the True Crime of its day, the Illustrated Police News which covered the Jack the Ripper murders. The British Library worked in partnership with the Joint Information Systems Committee and Gale, part of Cengage Learning, to create the service. Searches are free, but users can pay to download information.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Message from the State Librarian -- Update #4
Legislative Sausage: The famous quote clearly is correct. The two (2) things that one should never watch being made are sausage and law. The grinding process has at least stopped for the moment in the State Senate. The Senate has abolished all of its committees, except for the Rules Committee. Many closed door meetings are the symbol of this part of government not working. The State Assembly has however not slowed its pace of work. A new Chair, Assemblywoman Barbara Lifton (Ithaca) has
been appointed for the Library & Educational Technology Committee. We welcome her to this very important legislative/public policy position. Yesterday the Academic Research Information Act (ARIA) passed the Assembly. ARIA has been promulgated by the New York State Higher Education Initiative (NYSHEI). Though this has no funding connected with it at this stage, it serves as a future "vessel" to support database acquisition in science, technology and medicine using state economic development resources. I, of course, want the State Library to play a greater role in the database resources area and this is a good beginning. (More about this later). The ARIA legislation still requires Senate approval and the Governor’s signature.
The funding for the State Library (and the larger Office of Cultural Education which also includes the State Archives, State Museum and Public Broadcasting) is precarious. Legislation (A.6783-A/S.3640-A) to raise the fees that support the Cultural Education Fund is still in the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and was in the Senate Codes Committee. The Senate Committee is gone. Its Ranking Member Senator Dale Volker told us earlier this week that he would support the bill. The New York State Trial Lawyers Association has gone on record in opposition, but we
have now negotiated a compromise with them which should permit this legislation to move forward. There is still significant legislative opposition to raising fees of any sort but we are hopeful nonetheless.
The Cultural Education Fund is now bankrupt! The fund balance is -$400,000 and sinking. The State Division of the Budget has not granted any approvals for spending of special revenue funds since April 1st. We are just holding on. This legislation is vital. Stay tuned.
Congratulations: It is no easy feat to be selected by LIBRARY JOURNAL as Library of the Year! Kudos to the Queens Library, under the leadership of Tom Galante, and his great staff, trustees, and library patrons. You make every New Yorker proud of our library traditions with such an important honor.
Also, kudos to the three library systems in New York City for their leadership and successful advocacy in averting the proposed draconian cuts in city support for Brooklyn Public Library, The New York Public Library and the Queens Library.
Summer Reading: The 2009 New York State Summer Reading program is in full swing. ‘Be Creative @your library’ is the theme for kids and "Express Yourself@your library" is the theme for teens. With so many families facing tough economic times, we are expecting participation to exceed last year’s fantastic 1.5 million. We can all help to keep kids reading over the summer months. Check it out at www.summerreadingnys.org. New York’s goal for 2012 is 1.8 million participants. And remember that summer reading is not only for kids. Do you have a summer reading program!? Linda Fairstein has some great biblio-mysteries and pays tribute to The New York Public Library and its Andrew Mellon Director David Ferriero in her latest book, Lethal Legacy. Please tell me if you read any great books this summer that I should
put on my list. Maybe a master list of good reads selected by New York librarians is in the future.
Broadband and Federal Stimulus Funds: We are awaiting the formal release of the "Notice of Funds Availability" for the two primary federal broadband funding programs being administered by the Departments of Commerce and Agriculture. Notice is expected by the end of June. I hope that we can consider a statewide proposal to secure funds for many libraries. We are working within the State Education Department and are in discussion with the State’s Chief Information Officer Melodie
Mayberry-Stewart as well. If you have shovel or shelf-ready projects, get them ready. We were fortunate to host, with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a Broadband Summit which brought together 250 people from many parts of the state. Participants included librarians, trustees, economic development people, regulators, suppliers, public policy makers and others. You will be hearing more about this
initiative as we roll-out the results and use the great input to develop a plan to support (fund) broadband access for libraries. You can visit online at www.opportunityonline.org to see some of the Summit programs. The programs were all based on the theme: "The Magic of Broadband". The eligible libraries which participated will be considered for
matching grants to improve their broadband access to at least 1.5 mbps. We have about 85 libraries which will be eligible for funds. If you are interested in helping with this effort to enable libraries in every community across the State provide high-speed broadband connectivity for their customers, please send an email to bband@mail.nysed.gov.
Educational Technology: The State Education Department is welcoming comment on a new Educational Technology Plan. Feedback is welcomed as the Department builds-out a new Office headed by Larry Paska. Feedback is welcomed at http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/edtech/. It is my hope that all librarians and library staff from K-12 schools, colleges and universities, public libraries and special libraries will review and
comment on this plan. It is a great chance for everyone to see the interconnections of technology in the traditional pre-K to 12 learning environments with those in the lifelong learning and higher education worlds. Do not miss this chance to comment. All types of libraries and library systems have an important stake in this.
Databases: In my travels around the state over the past five months, I have begun to talk about my vision of a comprehensive information system. I have been calling this NYSCIS for the: New York State Comprehensive Information System. I have pictured some type of wonderful winged animal representing this concept of a wide array of database resources being delivered to everyone, everywhere in New York.
A target of 1,000 commercial databases is not too outrageous for us to contemplate. This, of course, would require state financial resources, as well as contributed resources from the library community. It will require some new ways of equipping those we serve with tools for access and productive use. It will require public education and it will require everyone to see the value of quality information resources being essential for public prosperity, public safety and public health. I
look forward to talking with many more people in the library community about this concept. Your ideas about how we can build on NOVELny and its success in resource delivery as the foundation for NYSCIS is welcomed. My thanks to Sandy Stone, Orchard Park Middle School Librarian; Mary Zdrojewski, School Library Media Specialist, Sinclairville Elementary School and Melissa Morton, Library Assistant,
Chautauqua Lake Central School District who along with 30 other colleagues sent me beautiful postcards expressing thanks for the NOVELny databases, especially the addition of the Grolier database. I will not embarrass everyone who writes or e-mails me by listing your names, but I do welcome and appreciate your feedback and ideas.
New York State Research Library: At 20 million items strong, the New York State Library is an amazing resource. Staff have been engaged in a work group looking at increasing hours of public service. The focus is opening on Saturdays and a staff survey has just been completed so that we can assess some of the best ways to implement this service expansion. I look forward to swinging the doors open on Saturdays very soon. If you have ideas to help us through this transition, please share them with me or Loretta Ebert, Director of the Research Library
Update: There are many more activities to share. My travels around the state have given me a chance to meet many of you, to hear your thoughts and to share some of my thoughts and observations with you. I have heard that many of you are appreciating these occasional updates and I want to assure you that it is my plan to continue these in the future. If there are issues or topics that you would like me to address please do not be shy about contacting me. And...please read a few good books this summer.
Bernard A. Margolis
State Librarian
New York State Library
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Definitely a good news library story
Read the story here.
A Different Way to Manage the Albany Landfill
Anaerobic digesters are a potential technology for use in disposing of waste food and other organic waste. A number of Capital Region institutions, including colleges and universities, are considering developing a consortium to find a common solution to their waste food disposal problem. Household waste food could also be processed in this manner, thus keeping it out of the landfill.
The meeting is at the First Presbyterian Church in Albany, corner of State and Willett streets (one block west of Lark St.). Please use the State St. entrance.
The vegeterian lasagna dinner (which you are welcome to attend, $10 ea., $5 for Seniors) starts at 6:00. The program starts at 7:00.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
New York Issues Guidelines For Victims Of Ponzi-Style Investment Schemes
To view the entire document please visihere.
Albany County Rail Trail Public Meeting
Bethlehem Town Hall
445 Delaware Avenue
Albany County is hosting the first public meeting on the Albany County Rail Trail project on June 17.
Albany County Department of Public Works Commissioner Michael Franchini and the County's project consultant Greenman-Peterson, Inc. will give a brief presentation about the project followed by an opportunity for questions and comments.
Public input is a critical component of the decision making process in the planning and design phase of the Rail Trail project. Come help make this trail a success!!!
For more information on the trail: http://www.albanycounty.com/railtrail>
To join the Friends of the Rail Trail (FORT): http://www.mohawkhudson.org/fort.htm
A Copyright Policy is an Excellent Educational Tool
A copyright policy can serve a variety of functions, from determining who owns works created during employment, to explaining your licenses, to establishing a procedure for clearing permissions in copyright-protected works. Generally speaking, a copyright policy is a summary of copyright management procedures for your organization. Depending on the contents of the policy, it can also be an educational tool and serve as reference material on copyright issues relevant to your organization. Another purpose of a copyright policy is to provide a single, consistent approach to copyright issues.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Underground Railroad Tour
Sunday, June 21th 2009 at 1:00pm
Meet at Albany Area Heritage Visitor's Center, Quackenbush Square
Dads walk free of charge
Phone: 518 432-4432
Being a Librarian Takes More Than a Love of Books
"It's really important to go out there and be in your community and active
in your life," Goverman said. "The library provides one more facet of having an active and full life."
"Because people have such easy access to good information from their homes
(computers), when they come into the library, a lot of times it's because
(they're in need) of an answer they couldn't find at home," Goverman said.
"There was the idea about 10 years ago that with the Internet and Google and Barnes & Noble, people would say: Why do we need libraries?" Cohen said. "But I think what we've seen is the opposite; that once you give people a taste (of) what information is out there, they say 'Well, I really need to find out more about this.' It's kind of led more people back to the libraries."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Ray Melleady to speak at Citizens for Public Transportation Meeting - 6/17
The meeting will be held at the Albany Public Library Main Branch at 7 p.m.
There are a lot of questions and concerns out there regarding CDTA and the decisions they've been making... so if you have the time -- show up!
New Words include:
+ amateur night, n. and adj.
+ bailout, n.2
+ blizzard, v.
+ bupkis, n.
+ Clintonista, n.
+ commitment-phobe, n.
+ dwarf planet, n.
+ grilled cheese, n.
+ searchability, n.
+ turducken, n.
ALA files comments to FCC on development of national broadband plan
In the comments, the organization argued that America’s libraries are uniquely situated to deliver on the Commission’s goals for the plan.
You may view the post here.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
National Volunteer Effort Update from ALA
hope you will consider being a part of this important initiative.
Please visit www.ala.org/summerofservice to find a one page fact sheet on the initiative from the Corporation for National & Community Service.
Volunteer opportunities can be posted right now by visiting www.serve.gov, and I encourage you to do that as soon as you are able.
The ALA will keep you informed as this initiative progresses, and the next time you hear from us will be after President Obama has announced it publicly. The ALA will also be providing tips and resources for volunteer ideas, best practices, and ways to contribute your own information, ideas and stories, all of which you can access at
Prior to the public launch of the service initiative, the Corporation for National & Community Service is looking for volunteer opportunities that will take place on June 22nd to use as potential examples. If you do have such a volunteer opportunity going on in your library, we encourage you to fill out the form posted at www.ala.org/summerofservice and send it back to library@ala.org no later than June 17.
Keith Michael Fiels
Executive Director
American Library Association
Thursday, June 11, 2009
ALA files comments to FCC on development of national broadband plan
In their comments, they argue that America’s libraries are uniquely situated to deliver on the Commission’s goals for the plan.
You may view the latest post here.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Summer Reading to be featured on U.S. Department of Education TV program
At the end of the one-hour program, the past president of the Collaborative Summer Library Program, Sally Snyder, has been asked to give some tips to parents on keeping their children reading during the summer months. The New York state Library has provided Sally with the New York Statewide Summer Reading Program's flyer "SIX EASY WAYS TO GET CHILDREN TO READ THIS SUMMER" along with the translated versions.
Information about the program is available here.
According to the June 15, 2009 issue of "Library Journal," Queens Library is 2009 Library of the Year. "Library of the Year" is an annual awards program of "Library Journal," sponsored by Gale, part of Cengage Learning. Queens Library is one of New York City's three public library systems. The recognition was given for the "abililty of the managers and staff to provide an incredibly diverse set of services and continue the constant modernization of the 62 libraries. Their sustained commitment to library service that truly improves the lives of everyone in the borough is what makes the Queens Library so strong." An announcement will be made by Francine Fialkoff, "Library Journal's" Editor-in-Chief and John N. Berry III, Editor-at-Large, on Friday 6/12/09 on the steps of New York City's City Hall.
Special mentions were also given to Columbus Metropolitan Library, OH; Hoover Public Library, AL and River Campus Libraries, University of Rochester, NY because they "feature the service philosophy and dedication to community that signify a Library of the Year."
"Library Journal" is the oldest and most respected publication covering the library field. Considered to be the "bible" of the library world, LJ is read by over 100,000 library directors, administrators, and staff in public, academic, and special libraries. It is the single-most comprehensive publication for librarians, with groundbreaking features and analytical news reports covering technology, management, policy, and other professional concerns. Its hefty review sections evaluate nearly 7000 books annually, along with hundreds of audiobooks, videos, databases, web sites, and systems that libraries buy.
Monday, June 08, 2009
2009 Household Hazardous Waste Days
Only the residents of the City of Albany are eligible to participate in this program. Pre-registration is required by calling toll- free at 1-800-494-CARE (2273). The remaining Household Hazardous Waste Days are scheduled on the following dates-- all Thursdays--from 4 to 7 PM at the Albany Rapp Road Landfill:
• July 9
• August 6
• September 3
• October 1
• November 5
• December 3
For further questions, call the Albany Rapp Road Landfill at 869-3651. Examples of household hazardous waste are:
Ant Bait or Traps
Artist Paint
Auto Cleaning Products
Automotive Fluids
Automotive Paints
Lead/Acid Batteries
Battery Acid
Caustic & Acidic Cleaners
Chemistry Sets
Drain Cleaners
Driveway Sealer
Fire Extinguishers
Flammable Caulks & Adhesives
Flammable Waxes & Abrasives
Garden Products
Propane Cylinders
Household Cleaning Products
Lawn Care Products
Mineral Spirits
Mercury Filled Light Bulbs (i.e. fluorescent bulbs)
Motor Oil
Paint (Oil & Latex)
Pet Supplies
Photographic Chemicals Developers
Rodent Control Products
Swimming Pool Chemicals
Computer Monitors
Electronic Equipment
Needles & Syringes
New York State Library Launches 2009 Statewide Summer Reading Program
The New York State Library launched the 2009 New York Statewide Summer Reading Program at an event in the New York State Museum, Albany. The annual free program is offered in more than 1,100 public libraries and branch libraries throughout the state. In eight years, participation has increased by 300 percent, with more than 1.5 million participants last year.
Jeffrey W. Cannell, Deputy Commissioner of Cultural Education for the New York State Education Department, introduced New York State Education Commissioner Richard P. Mills, who kicked off the event with remarks about the role and importance of summer reading programs at public libraries in preparing our youth for success in an ever-
changing world.
“These days, families can’t afford to buy all the books they might want to read,” said Commissioner Mills. “Kids today need arm loads of books—not just for learning, but for inspiring their creative minds, and just to pass the time on a summer day.” Mills noted that the New York Statewide Summer Reading Program has grown significantly over the past decade, reaching more than 1.5 million children at more than 1,100 sites. “Our Summer Reading Program is helping to keep books—and the local public library—at the center of a child’s summer life”.
“In these economically challenging times, more and more families are seeking ways to involve and challenge their children with summer activities that are fun, inspiring and engaging, while not straining the family budget,” said Cannell, featured speaker at this event. “Public libraries offer great resources for kids throughout the
summer, and the New York Statewide Summer Reading Program offers ways for kids of all ages to be creative at their local libraries.”
Community libraries continue to play a major role in fostering literacy, especially for those most in need of assistance in developing literacy skills, according to a 2001 study by the Pennsylvania Library Association. The study also concluded that public library reading programs play an important role in the overall reading
achievement of children who otherwise lack access to books and other reading materials in their daily lives.
Cannell then announced two new summer reading themes for this year— Express Yourself @ Your Library for teens and Be Creative @ Your Library for children—and unveiled one of two Summer Reading public service announcements. Created by Frank and Caroline Mouris, celebrated and award-winning animators, “Be Creative at Your Library” uses playful illustrations of children’s book illustrator David Catrow. Frank and Caroline Mouris then presented a talk about how they created their spot using their signature collage style of animation, and how they collaborated with musician Kevin Bartlett in creating the spot’s sound track.
The program is implemented in libraries across New York State, and results are often measured in number of books read or time spent reading. In addition, individual libraries offer their own programs to add to the fun of summer reading and encourage visits to the public library. “The New York Statewide Summer Reading Program helps improve reading capabilities over the summer, which in turn leads to achievement advances in the next school year,” said Commissioner Mills.
A recent study by children’s publisher Scholastic found that 22 percent of children rarely or never read for fun, and that percentage increases as the child ages. In addition, approximately 25 percent of children polled indicate that they have trouble finding books that they would actually want to read. Public library summer reading programs combat this trend.
There are many resources available for librarians, parents, educators, children and teens at the program’s web site, www.summerreadingnys.org. Visitors can access promotional flyers, fact sheets, tip sheets, recommended web site links, book lists and reading-related puzzles, games and activities.
New York State partners with 46 other states as part of the national Collaborative Summer Library Program to share best practices and ideas for program goals, activities and themes. The New York Statewide Summer Reading Program is a program of the New York State Library in the Office of Cultural Education in the New York State Education Department and is funded through the Federal Library Services and
Technology Act, with funds awarded to the New York State Library by the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services.
To view an image of all the presenters at the Kick-off event visit the New York Statewide Summer Reading Program site.
For additional information about 2009 Statewide summer Reading Program please contact:
Karen Balsen
Coordinator of the New York Statewide Summer Reading Program
New York State Library
New York State Education Department
Albany, NY 12230
Saturday, June 06, 2009
ABC News Shuttering In-House Library in Favor of 'Digital Research Facility'
By Felix Gillette
June 4, 2009 | 2:36 p.m
The New York Observer
Today, yet another bricks-and-mortar media bibliothque fell victim to the digital age.
This afternoon, in an email to his staff, David Westin, the president of ABC News, announced that ABC News will be converting its existing research library on the second floor of its 47th street building into a smaller, more cyber-focused "Digital Research Facility."
"Our extensive, hard copy library filled with periodicals and other materials is no longer necessary in the digital age," wrote Mr. Westin. "The time has come to reshape that library to reflect today's world."
More here
>From A Reader Comment:
If Mr. Gillette would visit the Research Center, he would discover a group of highly trained information specialists who spend the majority of their work hours expertly and cost-efficiently utilizing databases on the web; working iteratively through sources and with reporters and producers all along the story development process, and perhaps occasionally checking a print source along the way as appropriate.
This ABC corporate produced meme that they are acting responsibly to transition into the digital age from an imagined book-filled mausoleum is gross justification for irresponsible cost-cutting. And Mr. Gillette does a great disservice to Observers readers by perpetuating that meme, and not fully reporting the real story.
>From A Reader Comment:
One can hope that the new virtual library at ABC will include access to the Disney Channel so that substitution for the books and journals can at least include some good Mickey Mouse cartoons.
>From A Reader Comment:
Amazing. the abc news library was non-digital, minimal digital, maybe even anti-digital. amazing and extremely unlikely.
Boston Public Library on Boston's NPR station
Lottery Scam Warning
Friday, June 05, 2009
US Colored Troops Civil War Re-enactment
One of the most unique history projects in America, the New Netherland Project provided the documentation and inspiration for Russell Shorto’s recent best seller, The Island at the Center of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony that Shaped America.
A program of the New York State Library, the New Netherland Project has been working since 1974 to translate and publish the official 17th-century Dutch colonial documents of one of America’s earliest settled regions. Originally created under the sponsorship of the New York State Library and the Holland Society of New York, the New Netherland Project has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the New York State Office of Cultural Education. Translated documents and other work by the New Netherland Project can be accessed at www.nnp.org.
The documentary “Uncovering America’s Forgotten Colony: The New Netherland Project” was produced by Mogul One Productions in partnership with the New Netherland Institute. For more information on the New Netherland Project, go to www.nnp.org.
Patron Videos from San Francisco Public Library for Fine Amnesty Week
Thursday, June 04, 2009
KC Public Library Announces Grand Opening of H&R Block Business & Career Center
(Kansas City, Missouri) - A new resource for local entrepreneurs, small business owners, job seekers, non-profit managers, and adults and youth who wish to improve their financial literacy will soon become available at the Kansas City Public Library. On Thursday, June 11, 2009 at 6:30 p.m., the H&R Block Business & Career Center opens at the Central Library, 14 W. 10th St. The new, 2,800 square-foot space is funded by a $600,000 grant from H&R Block and the H&R Block Foundation.
The grand opening of the H&R Block Business & Career Center will begin with A Conversation with Henry Bloch, co-founder of H&R Block, conducted by Crosby Kemper III, director of the Library. Bloch will discuss how the entrepreneurial start-up he and his brother Richard founded in Kansas City in 1955 grew to become the world's largest tax services company, a publicly-traded corporation that in 2008 served 23.5 million clients at more than 13,000 U.S. retail offices and through its digital tax solutions.
Admission to the grand opening event is free. Call 816.701.3407 to indicate your interest in attending or you may RSVP online
"The H&R Block Business & Career Center became a reality with the generous support of H&R Block and the H&R Block Foundation," said Kemper. "It's the first step for many of our customers-the first step to a new business, job, career, non-profit, or another step in lifelong learning. In the present economic environment, we've seen an increase in demand for these resources, and now we have dedicated staff and space."
Staffed by business librarians, the H&R Block Business & Career Center offers proprietary research databases which are unavailable without a subscription. These include Reference USA, a resource for investigating suppliers, competitors, and markets; Business Source Premier, which provides up-to-date information on the financial health of specific industries, changes in technology, and consumer trends; and the Business and Company Resource Center, which offers profiles, statistics, and articles about industries and companies.
For job seekers and people who are exploring new careers, the Vault Online Career Library contains videos on specific occupations; information on education, training, and required certifications; and tips for résumés and interviews. Visitors can also access Learning Express which provides practice sessions for standardized tests, such as the General Equivalency Diploma (GED), Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), and Law School Admission Test (LSAT), civil service exams, the U.S. citizenship test, and occupational licenses, including practice tests for nurses and paramedics.
For investors, Standard & Poor's NetAdvantage checks S&P ratings; gives weekly stock "picks and pans," provides access to corporate annual reports and other company data; and offers the Stock Screener to identify the right investments for individual financial planning strategies. For additional independent analysis, the weekly print publication Value Line covers 3500 stocks and 1900 mutual funds on a quarterly basis.
The H&R Block Business & Career Center also houses the "Cooperating Collection" of the Foundation Center, a grants-research organization based in New York, which provides access to the Foundation Directory Online, Foundation Grants to Individuals Online, and directories and publications for grant research.
The new services complement the Library's popular free classes in computer software applications, Internet basics, online job searches, GED completion, and résumé writing. For individualized help, customers may call for a consultation with a business librarian to receive assistance in using Library resources and, if needed, referrals to local agencies for more training or specialized information.
For customers who prefer to conduct their own research, computers and laptops are available exclusively for Library patrons who are investigating businesses, industries, careers, non-profits, and finances. The H&R Block Business & Career Center also has a comprehensive collection of top business books-including FORTUNE's 75 best business books-and a Newspaper Nook with access to nearly 1,000 national and foreign newspapers. Three wall-mounted monitors will display Bloomberg, MSNBC, and the Fox Business Network.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Libraries and the President’s Summer of Service
The American Library Association has just been contacted by the White House in partnership with the Corporation for National & Community Service to get libraries involved in the President’s Summer of Service program, scheduled to launch on June 22, 2009.
Summer of Service is a “national coalition of major youth-serving organizations that are committed to engaging youth in service during the summer months and recognize the potential of youth to identify issues, develop projects, and provide lasting benefits to the communities in which they live through volunteer service.” Libraries and other organizations that work with youth ages 5 to 21 are encouraged to
Beginning the week of June 8, 2009, libraries and other organizations will be invited by the White House to list their local volunteer opportunities online. On June 22, the White House will announce the initiative to the public at large. The initiative will conclude on
September 11, 2009.
Although this timetable doesn’t provide much time to plan, we know that most libraries already have active volunteer programs, and wanted to provide a little bit more advance notice for libraries interested in participating in this exciting national initiative. Summer of Service presents a great opportunity for libraries of all types to involve young people as volunteers. This will also be a great opportunity to educate the public about the importance and vitality of America’s libraries, and gain new supporters advocating for your library.
The American Library Association will be disseminating information and resources as they become available. Stay tuned for volunteer ideas, best practices, resources, and ways to contribute your own information, ideas and stories at www.ala.org/summerofservice.
You can learn more about Summer of Service at http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/initiatives/summer.asp.
Keith Michael Fiels
Executive Director
American Library Association
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Education is Best Way for Congress to Address Cyberbullying

An Urban Ecological Design Weekend June 5-7, 2009
The Capital District Permaculture Guild presents
An Urban Ecological Design Weekend
with Dave Jacke and Friends
Dave Jacke, author of Edible Forest Gardens, will be in Albany June 5-7 to lead a weekend urban permaculture workshop and give two public talks. There are a few spots left in the workshop -- see details below!
The organizers of this event are asking for a suggested donation of $10 for each evening talk, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds (free for workshop participants)
It is hoped that you'll be able to join any and all of these events and participate in this critical conversation about designing a sustainable future. Please forward and call with any questions! 518.366.1711
Here's the schedule for the weekend:
Friday, June 5
An Introduction to Urban Ecological Design
with Dave Jacke and Scott Kellogg
Picotte Hall, College of St. Rose
324 State Street, Albany (between Lark and Dove)
7 PM
$10 suggested donation
Leading ecological design practitioners Dave Jacke and Scott Kellogg will introduce concepts of permaculture and discuss how our culture’s core belief in humanity’s separation from nature has created numerous planetary challenges to our survival. To adapt to these environmental and economic challenges, we need to shift to an ecological paradigm that will allow us to regenerate our landscapes, our economy, and our society as a whole. We'll discuss strategies for making this shift, with a focus on urban environments.
Saturday, June 6
Lessons from the Forest: Energy, Community and the Future of Food
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany
450 Washington Ave.
7 PM
$10 suggested donation
What is the future of food in an era of economic contraction, peak oil and climate disruption? Can we regenerate healthy ecosystems and rebuild our communities while meeting our basic needs?
Leading ecological designer and author Dave Jacke will discuss how we can apply the principles of forest ecology to design a sustainable future.
(special thanks to the Honest Weight Food Co-op for co-sponsoring this event!)
Cracking the Pavement: Ecological Design for Urban Homesteads
June 5-7, 2009
164 Chestnut Street, Albany, NY
with Dave Jacke, Scott Kellogg and Keith Zaltzberg
workshop fee $150-200 sliding scale
This weekend workshop offers urban dwellers a survey of ecological design, direct experience with home-scale permaculture design, and creative ideas for urban homesteading. Learn how to grow food in small spaces while healing damaged soils, collect wasted resources for productive reuse, and create beautiful outdoor living rooms.
Participants will engage with issues of urban sustainability through observation, discussion, design exercises, and hands-on implementation of an ecological design in a city garden. Join us for two days and go home with practical possibilities and the tools to embody them on your own site.
Lead instructor Dave Jacke is the primary author of the award-winning two-volume book "Edible Forest Gardens" and a student and practitioner of ecological design for more than two decades.
Scott Kellogg is co-author of "Toolbox for Sustainable City Living: A Do-it-Ourselves Guide". Scott is the primary instructor for R.U.S.T. - The Radical Urban Sustainability Training, an intensive weekend workshop in urban ecological survival skills.
Keith Zaltzberg, a founding member of the Regenerative Design Group in Greenfield, MA, is an energetic ecological designer who draws on his experiences as an organic farmer and Permaculture teacher to create beautiful and productive landscapes.
For more information or to register contact:
Alice Oldfather
Fake Check Scams
The Consumer Federation of America is launching a national campaign to combat fake check scams. Millions of consumers are lured into accepting genuine-looking checks and money orders and wiring money to crooks in return. According to the results of a CFA survey, nearly one third of adults have been approached with fake check scams and at least 1.3 million have become actual victims. With an average loss of $3,000 to $4,000 per consumer, billions of dollars have been pocketed by fake check scammers.
The most common fake check scams are those involving sweepstakes/lotteries (66 percent), grants (36 percent) and work-at-home opportunities (35 percent). In the sweepstakes and grant scenarios, the consumer receives a check or money order with instructions to wire a portion of the money to pay taxes or administrative fees. In the phony job offers, consumers are asked to process payments for a foreign business or make purchases as a mystery shopper and wire the remaining money to their employer minus their “pay.” Another popular variation of the scam is the “overpayment,” where the scammer offers to buy something the consumer has advertised for sale, sends a check or money order for more than the asking price, and tells the consumer to wire the extra to someone who will arrange for shipping.