Call for nominations for two NYLA awards: Outstanding Advocate of Libraries and Outstanding Services to Libraries.
June 30th is the deadline for nominations for two important New York Library Association statewide awards. The NYLA Awards Nominating Committee encourages you to nominate a person or persons or group who have made a statewide impact as an outstanding advocate or provided outstanding service to libraries.
This award is presented to an individual who is not an employee, trustee or group primarily affiliated with library information services and yet has made a far reaching, sustained and significant contribution of these services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - June 30, 2009. Use the form
Previous recipients include Vincent Gentile, NYC Council; Honorable Amy Paulin, NYS Assembly; Honorable Vincent Leibell III, NYS Senate; Ross Kitt & Phyllis Pittman Kitt; Honorable Sandra Galef, NYS Assembly; Nat Hentoff, Gordon Ambach, Laura Chodos. Citizens to Save Libraries, Buffalo, Elliot Goldstein. Brooke Astor, Harold Hacker, Claire Shulman, Major Owens, Dr. Barry Farnham, Anna Lobosco, De Witt Wallace - Readers Digest Fund, Marty Luster, The Regents Commission on Library Services, Senator Thomas W. Libous, Edward McCormick.
NYLA - Outstanding Advocate of Libraries Information and Nomination Form available
This award is presented to an individual or group who has performed through their direct affiliation as an employee or trustee of a library or information service a significant, sustained contribution to the development, promulgation, growth or extension of library/information services to the people of New York State. Deadline for nominations - June 30, 2009. Use the form
Previous recipients include: DJ Stern, Woodstock Public Library District; Prakash Upadhyaya, Otisville Correctional Facility; Tom Alrutz, NYPL; Dr. Annette Johnson, Dolores Marino, Mary Brown, Mary Rinato Berman, Richard Halsey, Lore Scurrah, Frances Dye Clark, Stanley Ransom, Andrew Geddes, Lucille Thomas, Peter Laux, Richard Panz, Daniel Casey, Marie Bruni, Janet Welch, Esther Lopato, Mildred Lowe (posthumous), Helen Flowers, David Cohen, Janet Decker, Carol Kearney, Timothy Healy (posthumous), Robert Barron, Shirley Lang, Joseph F.
Shubert, Randall Enos, John Hammond, Mary Jo Ketchum.
NYLA - Outstanding Service to Libraries Information & Nomination Form available
2010 Awards Nominating Committee
Jennifer Morris, Chair
Committee members Rosina Alaimo, Josh Cohen, Art Friedman, Carolyn
Giambra, Fran Roscello, Penelope Klein, John Shaloiko and Anne Hofmann.