Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Other Guys

Purloined from SUNY:

Columbia Pictures, Inc. will be filming the movie, The Other Guys, in Albany over the next few weeks. It is anticipated that the filming will occur on the streets of Albany between September 23, 2009 and October 4, 2009, and some of the scenes will occur in the vicinity of State University Plaza.

On September 23, 24 and 30 and October 1, State Street from North Pearl east to Broadway and Broadway north to Clinton Avenue will be closed from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. to film a car chase. At times, it might be noisy with low flying helicopters. The filming segments will be of 5-10 minute duration, during which all pedestrian traffic will be cleared and not allowed on the streets. After the segments are filmed, normal pedestrian traffic will be allowed to cross the streets affected.

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