Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Legislation to Benefit Libraries Stalled in Assembly
posted on behalf of Michael J. Borges, Executive Director, New York Library Association
Three of NYLA’s 2010 Legislative Priorities have passed the Senate and all three bills could potentially save libraries and their taxpayers money, yet they remain bogged down in the Assembly Ways and Means or Rules Committees. The three bills are:
Cooperative Bidding for Public Libraries and Library Systems (Passed Senate 3/8 – In Assembly Rules Committee 6/8)
This legislation (S.3903 Oppenheimer/A.6154 Paulin) would add public libraries and library systems to list of public entities, like cities, towns, villages, BOCES, school districts, that are allowed to engage in cooperative bidding. Cooperative bidding allows libraries and library systems to go out to bid for services or products jointly instead of individually, thereby getting a better price and saving money.
Public Library Systems Eligible for Local Government Efficiency Grants (Passed Senate 6/3 – In Ways & Means 4/20)
The bill (S.6875A Oppenheimer/A.10412 Bing) would expand eligibility to apply for local government efficiency grants to include public library systems. Currently libraries are allowed to apply, but not library systems. By allowing library systems to apply for these grants, they can fund new or expand shared services or other cooperative initiatives that would save libraries money.
BOCES-Libraries Internet Partnerships (Passed Senate 3/15 – In Ways & Means 6/16)
This bill (S.4634 Oppenheimer/A.8673 Gunther) would authorize BOCES to contract with public libraries or library systems for internet services. BOCES would be able to add libraries and library systems to their bids for internet services, thereby lowering the price and obtaining higher speeds for internet service.
Another NYLA priority bill is also pending in the Senate and held in Assembly Ways and Means:
Public Library Construction Grants
This legislation (S.4248 Aubertine/A.6155 Paulin) (Reported to Ways and Means 6/3) would modify the public library construction grant program to enable grants to be used to purchase vacant land as well as lower local match to 25% of project costs for libraries in high need areas.
The Legislative Session is due to end either this week or next, so I urge you, your staff and trustees to contact your state Assemblymembers as soon as possible to get them to pass these cost saving measures for libraries.
Visit and click on Vote Button to send letter to your legislators.
Three of NYLA’s 2010 Legislative Priorities have passed the Senate and all three bills could potentially save libraries and their taxpayers money, yet they remain bogged down in the Assembly Ways and Means or Rules Committees. The three bills are:
Cooperative Bidding for Public Libraries and Library Systems (Passed Senate 3/8 – In Assembly Rules Committee 6/8)
This legislation (S.3903 Oppenheimer/A.6154 Paulin) would add public libraries and library systems to list of public entities, like cities, towns, villages, BOCES, school districts, that are allowed to engage in cooperative bidding. Cooperative bidding allows libraries and library systems to go out to bid for services or products jointly instead of individually, thereby getting a better price and saving money.
Public Library Systems Eligible for Local Government Efficiency Grants (Passed Senate 6/3 – In Ways & Means 4/20)
The bill (S.6875A Oppenheimer/A.10412 Bing) would expand eligibility to apply for local government efficiency grants to include public library systems. Currently libraries are allowed to apply, but not library systems. By allowing library systems to apply for these grants, they can fund new or expand shared services or other cooperative initiatives that would save libraries money.
BOCES-Libraries Internet Partnerships (Passed Senate 3/15 – In Ways & Means 6/16)
This bill (S.4634 Oppenheimer/A.8673 Gunther) would authorize BOCES to contract with public libraries or library systems for internet services. BOCES would be able to add libraries and library systems to their bids for internet services, thereby lowering the price and obtaining higher speeds for internet service.
Another NYLA priority bill is also pending in the Senate and held in Assembly Ways and Means:
Public Library Construction Grants
This legislation (S.4248 Aubertine/A.6155 Paulin) (Reported to Ways and Means 6/3) would modify the public library construction grant program to enable grants to be used to purchase vacant land as well as lower local match to 25% of project costs for libraries in high need areas.
The Legislative Session is due to end either this week or next, so I urge you, your staff and trustees to contact your state Assemblymembers as soon as possible to get them to pass these cost saving measures for libraries.
Visit and click on Vote Button to send letter to your legislators.
New York State government,
State Assembly
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Other 98%
Are you part of the 2% with a Lobbyist in DC? Or the Other 98%?
Join the local launch of a campaign to rescue our government from corporations and lobbyists: "The Other 98%" Summer Launch: Tues. June 29th 6:30pm , Albany Public Library auditorium, 161 Washington Ave. –
please sign up to attend: also
What do MoveOn, Democracy for America, True Majority, Color of Change, The Nation magazine, US Action, People for the American Way, Public Citizen, & SEIU have in common? They are partners in the “Other 98%”: a grassroots network of concerned citizens fed up with the status quo in Washington - seeking practical solutions to the many challenges facing America- standing against those bankers, CEOs and lobbyists who have hijacked our democracy to serve themselves at the expense of everyone else.
We are kicking off this Other 98% campaign all across America,
Every day, corporate lobbyists work the halls of Congress to oppose the progressive change we need. Big Insurance managed to defeat the public health insurance option, Wall Street watered down reforms that would rein in firms like Goldman Sachs, and Big Oil blocked progress on clean energy legislation. Even with Democrats in power, big corporations and lobbyists are calling the shots. We need to build a movement strong enough to hold politicians accountable, and we need to prevent corporate cash from buying elections. This new campaign is called The Other 98%--standing up for the 98% of us who can't buy influence in Washington .
At the end of June, MoveOn Councils across the country will hold "The Other 98%" Summer Launches. We'll discuss the results of our reform agenda that we're creating by an online, member process, and then we'll kick off an effort to talk with our neighbors, local leaders, and community organizations to build broad and visible public support for a progressive reform agenda. And we'll start gearing up for advocacy actions during the August congressional recess to demand that members of Congress get corporate influence out of our democracy.
For more info, call (518)583-4326
Sign the Pledge to Counter Corporate Corruption:
• Overturn Citizens United: Amend the Constitution to protect America from unlimited corporate spending on our elections by overturning the Supreme Court's decision giving corporations the same First Amendment rights as people.
• Fair elections now: Pass the Fair Elections Now Act, providing public financing to candidates who are supported by small donors so they can compete with corporate-backed and self-funded candidates.
• Lobbyist Reform Act: Pass legislation to end the overwhelming influence of corporate lobbyists by: prohibiting individuals from switching from corporate lobbying to government service, or vice-versa, within a 5-year period; stopping corporate lobbyists from giving gifts and providing free travel to government officials; and posting online the attendees and content of all meetings between lobbyists and government officials
Please share this with your friends!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please join our local MoveOn organizing team (council): go to http://www.moveon. org/team - MoveOn Councils are local teams of committed members who organize in their community and build leadership among MoveOn members. MoveOn Councils work together on national campaigns to push for the progressive change that our country needs. We are a strong, independent voice to keep Congress and the President honest when lobbyists and corporations stand in the way of progress. We: - Shape the political playing field on the big issues by organizing in our communities, doing direct advocacy with elected officials, and getting our message out into the local and national media - Put direct pressure on Congress to win key victories, like our recent victory for health care reform. We lobby our elected officials in their hometowns, pressing them to vote for a progressive legislative agenda - Organize broader, deeper, and smarter than ever to build long-term power and achieve real progressive change. We build the leadership and train the grassroots base of the progressive movement. Please join thousands of other committed MoveOn council members in leading our Council network in the major fights ahead in 2010. For more info, call (518)583-4326
Join the local launch of a campaign to rescue our government from corporations and lobbyists: "The Other 98%" Summer Launch: Tues. June 29th 6:30pm , Albany Public Library auditorium, 161 Washington Ave. –
please sign up to attend: also
What do MoveOn, Democracy for America, True Majority, Color of Change, The Nation magazine, US Action, People for the American Way, Public Citizen, & SEIU have in common? They are partners in the “Other 98%”: a grassroots network of concerned citizens fed up with the status quo in Washington - seeking practical solutions to the many challenges facing America- standing against those bankers, CEOs and lobbyists who have hijacked our democracy to serve themselves at the expense of everyone else.
We are kicking off this Other 98% campaign all across America,
Every day, corporate lobbyists work the halls of Congress to oppose the progressive change we need. Big Insurance managed to defeat the public health insurance option, Wall Street watered down reforms that would rein in firms like Goldman Sachs, and Big Oil blocked progress on clean energy legislation. Even with Democrats in power, big corporations and lobbyists are calling the shots. We need to build a movement strong enough to hold politicians accountable, and we need to prevent corporate cash from buying elections. This new campaign is called The Other 98%--standing up for the 98% of us who can't buy influence in Washington .
At the end of June, MoveOn Councils across the country will hold "The Other 98%" Summer Launches. We'll discuss the results of our reform agenda that we're creating by an online, member process, and then we'll kick off an effort to talk with our neighbors, local leaders, and community organizations to build broad and visible public support for a progressive reform agenda. And we'll start gearing up for advocacy actions during the August congressional recess to demand that members of Congress get corporate influence out of our democracy.
For more info, call (518)583-4326
Sign the Pledge to Counter Corporate Corruption:
• Overturn Citizens United: Amend the Constitution to protect America from unlimited corporate spending on our elections by overturning the Supreme Court's decision giving corporations the same First Amendment rights as people.
• Fair elections now: Pass the Fair Elections Now Act, providing public financing to candidates who are supported by small donors so they can compete with corporate-backed and self-funded candidates.
• Lobbyist Reform Act: Pass legislation to end the overwhelming influence of corporate lobbyists by: prohibiting individuals from switching from corporate lobbying to government service, or vice-versa, within a 5-year period; stopping corporate lobbyists from giving gifts and providing free travel to government officials; and posting online the attendees and content of all meetings between lobbyists and government officials
Please share this with your friends!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Please join our local MoveOn organizing team (council): go to http://www.moveon. org/team - MoveOn Councils are local teams of committed members who organize in their community and build leadership among MoveOn members. MoveOn Councils work together on national campaigns to push for the progressive change that our country needs. We are a strong, independent voice to keep Congress and the President honest when lobbyists and corporations stand in the way of progress. We: - Shape the political playing field on the big issues by organizing in our communities, doing direct advocacy with elected officials, and getting our message out into the local and national media - Put direct pressure on Congress to win key victories, like our recent victory for health care reform. We lobby our elected officials in their hometowns, pressing them to vote for a progressive legislative agenda - Organize broader, deeper, and smarter than ever to build long-term power and achieve real progressive change. We build the leadership and train the grassroots base of the progressive movement. Please join thousands of other committed MoveOn council members in leading our Council network in the major fights ahead in 2010. For more info, call (518)583-4326
Monday, June 28, 2010
The BLS Understands Librarians
From the Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2010-11 Edition
The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users' needs.
Here are some global library statistics from OCLC.
The traditional concept of a library is being redefined from a place to access paper records or books to one that also houses the most advanced electronic resources, including the Internet, digital libraries, and remote access to a wide range of information sources. Consequently, librarians, often called information professionals, combine traditional duties with tasks involving quickly changing technology. Librarians help people find information and use it effectively for personal and professional purposes. They must have knowledge of a wide variety of scholarly and public information sources and must follow trends related to publishing, computers, and the media to oversee the selection and organization of library materials. Librarians manage staff and develop and direct information programs and systems for the public and ensure that information is organized in a manner that meets users' needs.
Here are some global library statistics from OCLC.
RRLC Linking Libraries Newsletter
The Rochester Regional Library Council publishes its newsletter, Linking Libraries, approximately four times a year. As part of RRLC efforts to “go green” it no longer produces a paper copy, but is posting the newsletter to the website. To read the June 2010 issue go HERE
Sunday, June 27, 2010
UGR Fourth Of July Event on July 3rd
* A July 4th Oration *
“With liberty and justice for all”?
Alethia Jones, PhD Guest Speaker
Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University at Albany (SUNY), with a secondary appointment in the Department of Political Science.
Frederick Douglass’s 1852 speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” challenged the rhetoric of America with the conditions of Africans in America at his time. Today we revisit Douglass’s challenges in light of our modern setting in a new political era.
Saturday, July 3rd 11am — 1pm
The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence
194 Livingston Ave., Albany
Free & open to all
Bring your own chair — Limited restroom facilities available
Youth activities will be available
Sponsored by
Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
P.O. Box 10851 – Albany, New York 12201 – 518-432-4432
“With liberty and justice for all”?
Alethia Jones, PhD Guest Speaker
Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University at Albany (SUNY), with a secondary appointment in the Department of Political Science.
Frederick Douglass’s 1852 speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” challenged the rhetoric of America with the conditions of Africans in America at his time. Today we revisit Douglass’s challenges in light of our modern setting in a new political era.
Saturday, July 3rd 11am — 1pm
The Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence
194 Livingston Ave., Albany
Free & open to all
Bring your own chair — Limited restroom facilities available
Youth activities will be available
Sponsored by
Underground Railroad History Project of the Capital Region, Inc.
P.O. Box 10851 – Albany, New York 12201 – 518-432-4432
Saturday, June 26, 2010
National Recording Registry “Like a National iPod”
Audio recordings the Library of Congress has added to the National Recording Registry features everything from Jiminy Cricket and Little Richard to Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson, Tupac Shakur and a World War II battle.
More info, including a link to a CBS News story, HERE.
More info, including a link to a CBS News story, HERE.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Art on Lark June 26
Come witness art in its many forms in Albany’s Arts District Saturday, June 26 from 10 am - 5 pm. City officials will be closing Lark Street from Washington Ave to Madison Ave to allow artists and onlookers to span the entire street! Last year, there were 25,000 attendees and Times Union readers named it the Best Arts Event.
Dewey Library closed Fri pm, Sunday
Due to a water line failure on the UAlbany downtown campus, Dewey Library will be closing this afternoon (6/25) sometime after 2pm. It will also be closed Sunday.
The library staff is not yet certain what time services will be resumed on Monday.
Faculty and students can call Dewey Library at 442-3691 for information.
The University Library and Science Library remain open. Downtown faculty and students
may wish to visit those libraries or call 442-3558.
The library staff is not yet certain what time services will be resumed on Monday.
Faculty and students can call Dewey Library at 442-3691 for information.
The University Library and Science Library remain open. Downtown faculty and students
may wish to visit those libraries or call 442-3558.
NYLA Legislative Alert - End of Session Nears - Restore Library Aid Cuts
Dear Library Advocate,
The 2010 Legislative Session is drawing to a close and the major outstanding issue to be resolved is funding for schools and libraries. As you know, the Governor proposed a fifth cut in library funding that would reduce Library Aid by $2.4 million to $84.5 million or below 1998 levels. No other part of the Education budget has been cut as many times or as deeply (18% reduction over two years).
The Assembly has proposed restoring $960,000 or 40% of the cut and the Senate has proposed restoring the entire cut.
I urge you to contact your state legislator once again to remind them to resolve their differences and agree on restoration that results in best possible outcome for libraries.
Visit and click on the VOTE button to contact your state legislator.
Posted on behalf of…
Michael J. Borges
Executive Director
New York Library Association
The 2010 Legislative Session is drawing to a close and the major outstanding issue to be resolved is funding for schools and libraries. As you know, the Governor proposed a fifth cut in library funding that would reduce Library Aid by $2.4 million to $84.5 million or below 1998 levels. No other part of the Education budget has been cut as many times or as deeply (18% reduction over two years).
The Assembly has proposed restoring $960,000 or 40% of the cut and the Senate has proposed restoring the entire cut.
I urge you to contact your state legislator once again to remind them to resolve their differences and agree on restoration that results in best possible outcome for libraries.
Visit and click on the VOTE button to contact your state legislator.
Posted on behalf of…
Michael J. Borges
Executive Director
New York Library Association
Neil Gaiman says closing libraries would be 'a terrible mistake'
Neil Gaiman said librarians were "more important than ever" in the internet age.
His comments came as he received one of the world's most high profile literary award for children's books, the CILIP Carnegie Medal, for his novel The Graveyard Book.
Gaiman, 49, is the first person ever to have been awarded both Britain's Carnegie Medal and the US Newbery Medal – considered the two most important children's literary awards – for the same book.
More HERE.
His comments came as he received one of the world's most high profile literary award for children's books, the CILIP Carnegie Medal, for his novel The Graveyard Book.
Gaiman, 49, is the first person ever to have been awarded both Britain's Carnegie Medal and the US Newbery Medal – considered the two most important children's literary awards – for the same book.
More HERE.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Public Library Technology Access Study 2009-10 findings released
The 2009-10 Public Library Funding & Technology Access Study is now available online.
ALA also will start tweeting about the release and findings at ala_ors, so, if you or your library “follows” Twitter, please add them to your list.
This year's Study, the fourth in a series, provides national and state-level data and benchmarks of technology resources. Authored by the ALA Office for Research and Statistics and the Center for Library & Information Innovation, the study draws on information provided by thousands of rural, suburban, and urban libraries in every state; by state library agencies; and from interviews with library staff in select states.
The study is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Library Association. This digital edition is co-published by American Libraries magazine.
ALA also will start tweeting about the release and findings at ala_ors, so, if you or your library “follows” Twitter, please add them to your list.
This year's Study, the fourth in a series, provides national and state-level data and benchmarks of technology resources. Authored by the ALA Office for Research and Statistics and the Center for Library & Information Innovation, the study draws on information provided by thousands of rural, suburban, and urban libraries in every state; by state library agencies; and from interviews with library staff in select states.
The study is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the American Library Association. This digital edition is co-published by American Libraries magazine.
Bill Gates,
Melinda Gates,
The New York State Library is very pleased to announce that through the generosity of New York's libraries, library staff and library users, a first year donation in the amount of $1,950 has been made to Pennies for Peace through the State Library's identifying donation number, (0566).
Pennies for Peace is the Central Asia Institute's program for community-based education in Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially for girls.
Since 1993, the Central Asia Institute has been establishing schools and libraries that offer children hope for a better future. 100% of funds raised are used for overseas program support.
For libraries or individuals that would still like to contribute to Pennies for Peace, please go here.
Thank You to New York's Libraries!
Pennies for Peace is the Central Asia Institute's program for community-based education in Afghanistan and Pakistan, especially for girls.
Since 1993, the Central Asia Institute has been establishing schools and libraries that offer children hope for a better future. 100% of funds raised are used for overseas program support.
For libraries or individuals that would still like to contribute to Pennies for Peace, please go here.
Thank You to New York's Libraries!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bus meeting in SCHENECTADY
Citizens for Public Transportation will hold its monthly meeting in Schenectady this month, on Monday, June 28th. Susan Savage, chairwoman of the Schenectady County Legislature, will be the special guest. Discussion wil focus on bus transportation issues in Schenectady.
Time: Monday, June 28th - 7:00 PM
Place: Schenectady Public Library, 99 Clinton Street, Schenectady
All are welcome.
Time: Monday, June 28th - 7:00 PM
Place: Schenectady Public Library, 99 Clinton Street, Schenectady
All are welcome.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
2010 National Advocacy Day
To all New York Librarians, Library Trustees, Library Workers and Library Friends
There is still time to register for National Library Advocacy Day. At this point we have about 60 people registered.
For one year only, Library Advocacy Day will replace National Library Legislative Day (NLLD). On June 29, 2010, library advocates from all 50 states and Washington, D.C. will meet at Upper Senate Park on the U.S. Capitol grounds. The event, which will begin at 11:00am, will feature guest speakers, photo ops, and a chance to cheer on libraries! After the rally, participants will meet with their elected officials and their staffs.
Here is the link to register for this important national event.
The Washington Office is still finalizing the legislative agenda. In the meantime, issues that will be included are:
LSTA - thank legislators for this important grant program and let them how important it is to us
ESEA - President Obama's replacement of the No Child Left Behind program - we will be pushing to include a State Certified Librarian in each school
E-Rate - letting legislator know how important this program is for libraries and asking them to look at streamlining the application process
Open Internet (Net Neutrality) - the importance of an open Internet
A list of other legislation the Washington Office is watching can be found here.
You can access the ALA Legislative Scorecard, which provides the voting record for all legislators on Bills that address issues important to libraries, at the links below (these links will provide access to PDF files):
House Of Representatives
There is still time to register for National Library Advocacy Day. At this point we have about 60 people registered.
For one year only, Library Advocacy Day will replace National Library Legislative Day (NLLD). On June 29, 2010, library advocates from all 50 states and Washington, D.C. will meet at Upper Senate Park on the U.S. Capitol grounds. The event, which will begin at 11:00am, will feature guest speakers, photo ops, and a chance to cheer on libraries! After the rally, participants will meet with their elected officials and their staffs.
Here is the link to register for this important national event.
The Washington Office is still finalizing the legislative agenda. In the meantime, issues that will be included are:
LSTA - thank legislators for this important grant program and let them how important it is to us
ESEA - President Obama's replacement of the No Child Left Behind program - we will be pushing to include a State Certified Librarian in each school
E-Rate - letting legislator know how important this program is for libraries and asking them to look at streamlining the application process
Open Internet (Net Neutrality) - the importance of an open Internet
A list of other legislation the Washington Office is watching can be found here.
You can access the ALA Legislative Scorecard, which provides the voting record for all legislators on Bills that address issues important to libraries, at the links below (these links will provide access to PDF files):
House Of Representatives
Friday, June 18, 2010
Smoking Cessation
If you have tried to quit smoking on your own and have been unsuccessful, don’t be discouraged.
Support for smoking cessation can be found by calling the NYS Quitline at 1-866-697-8487.
Local to the Capital District, Seton Health runs a program The Butt Stops Here, which is a seven week course with group support and helpful suggestions.
Find support through your primary care physician and your health plan.
For additional information and suggestions call your Employee Assistance Program Coordinator.
Support for smoking cessation can be found by calling the NYS Quitline at 1-866-697-8487.
Local to the Capital District, Seton Health runs a program The Butt Stops Here, which is a seven week course with group support and helpful suggestions.
Find support through your primary care physician and your health plan.
For additional information and suggestions call your Employee Assistance Program Coordinator.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Jeffrey Cannell, Deputy Commissioner for Cultural Education, is pleased to announce the selection of electronic products to constitute the NOVELNY (New York Online Virtual Electronic Library) statewide collection for July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
2010/2011 NOVELNY Databases:
EBSCO’s Primary Search (including Searchasaurus and Kids Search interfaces)
Gale’s Academic OneFile (new)
Gale’s Business and Company Resource Center Gale’s Health Reference Center Academic (new) Gale’s General OneFile (new) Gale’s InfoTrac Custom Newspapers Gale’s National Newspaper Index Gale’s New York State Newspapers Gale’s Twayne Authors Series Grolier Online (includes Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, and the New Book of Knowledge)
The above databases will be available through more than 5,500 public, school, academic and special libraries registered for NOVELNY and to individuals who are residents of New York State that visit and log on with a driver license ID or a non-driver ID.
Note: ProQuest Platinum and Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center will be available through NOVELNY only until June 30, 2010.
Products were competitively selected to provide the broadest array of desired content for the best value given current resources.
Consideration of comments from the field (witness the restoration of health content) and priority subjects were weighed in the decision.
Additional information is available in an FAQ HERE.
The NOVELNY Steering Committee subgroup charged with database evaluation provided advice and consultation throughout the process. In 2010/2011, NOVELNY offers an encyclopedia, strong general reference and periodicals content, business, news and health concentrations, an interface and content for children, and author information.
Look for future postings on NYLINE, NOVEL-DB and the website regarding developing information about registration, training and educational tools. Any questions regarding the resources described above should be sent to:
Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY is a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
2010/2011 NOVELNY Databases:
EBSCO’s Primary Search (including Searchasaurus and Kids Search interfaces)
Gale’s Academic OneFile (new)
Gale’s Business and Company Resource Center Gale’s Health Reference Center Academic (new) Gale’s General OneFile (new) Gale’s InfoTrac Custom Newspapers Gale’s National Newspaper Index Gale’s New York State Newspapers Gale’s Twayne Authors Series Grolier Online (includes Encyclopedia Americana, Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia, and the New Book of Knowledge)
The above databases will be available through more than 5,500 public, school, academic and special libraries registered for NOVELNY and to individuals who are residents of New York State that visit and log on with a driver license ID or a non-driver ID.
Note: ProQuest Platinum and Gale Health and Wellness Resource Center will be available through NOVELNY only until June 30, 2010.
Products were competitively selected to provide the broadest array of desired content for the best value given current resources.
Consideration of comments from the field (witness the restoration of health content) and priority subjects were weighed in the decision.
Additional information is available in an FAQ HERE.
The NOVELNY Steering Committee subgroup charged with database evaluation provided advice and consultation throughout the process. In 2010/2011, NOVELNY offers an encyclopedia, strong general reference and periodicals content, business, news and health concentrations, an interface and content for children, and author information.
Look for future postings on NYLINE, NOVEL-DB and the website regarding developing information about registration, training and educational tools. Any questions regarding the resources described above should be sent to:
Provided by the New York State Library, NOVELNY is a pilot project for the Statewide Internet Library connecting New Yorkers to 21st century information. NOVELNY is supported with temporary federal Library Services and Technology Act funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Chatting With Kids About Being Online
The Federal Trade Commission is offering a FREE publication, "Net Cetera," to help parents talk to their kids about safely navigating the online world.
Net Cetera covers what you need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. encourages you to use this guide with your kids, in your school, at your PTA meeting, or anywhere else parents might gather. Feel free to order as many free copies as you'd like, put your own sticker on it, reprint sections in a newsletter or on a website, download a button or link to it, or even reprint it with your own logo. These materials are in the public domain.
Net Cetera covers what you need to know, where to go for more information, and issues to raise with kids about living their lives online. encourages you to use this guide with your kids, in your school, at your PTA meeting, or anywhere else parents might gather. Feel free to order as many free copies as you'd like, put your own sticker on it, reprint sections in a newsletter or on a website, download a button or link to it, or even reprint it with your own logo. These materials are in the public domain.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Librarians are NOT "low skill" workers
This morning's Ottawa Citizen had the blood of more than a few librarians boiling. Not to mention nurses, farmers, athletes...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Silent Auction at Art on Lark

During Art on Lark, on June 26, Trinity Church will host an Open House and Silent Auction. Tours of the sanctuary, organ demonstrations, activities for children and complimentary refreshments will be offered between noon and 5 pm. There will also be a Silent Auction which will raise funds for needed repairs and maintenance to Trinity’s historic Moeller Organ.
Thanks to the generosity of many local establishments, the Silent Auction will offer something for everyone: Albany Institute of History & Art Family Membership, salon services, restaurant gift certificates, Spectrum Theatre tickets, Daily Grind Coffee, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream, Capital Wine and Spirits, Romeo’s Gifts, handcrafted jewelry, original art and more.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Tim Burke Named UHLS Head
The Board of Trustees of the Upper Hudson Library System announced at the Annual Meeting on June 9, 2010, that that Mr. Timothy Burke, currently the Assistant Director of the Albany Public Library, has been offered and has accepted the position of Executive Director of the Upper Hudson Library System. His first day in this position will be on Monday, August 9, 2010. The Executive Director since July 2000, Mr. Philip Ritter, will be retiring as of July 30, 2010.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Garage Bands in the Garage
"Garage Bands in the Garage - Blue Factory and The Hoborchestra" on Friday, June 18 at 6:00pm.
As one of my favorite troublemakers says: "This is a great concert series showcasing homegrown musicians. It's in the garage of the APL library...get it, garage bands in the garage? Please help spread the word. We need to support our local artists.
Oh, and it's free!".
Event: Garage Bands in the Garage - Blue Factory and The Hoborchestra
Start Time: Friday, June 18 at 6:00pm
End Time: Friday, June 18 at 8:00pm
Where: Albany Public Library's Elk St. Parking Garage
As one of my favorite troublemakers says: "This is a great concert series showcasing homegrown musicians. It's in the garage of the APL library...get it, garage bands in the garage? Please help spread the word. We need to support our local artists.
Oh, and it's free!".
Event: Garage Bands in the Garage - Blue Factory and The Hoborchestra
Start Time: Friday, June 18 at 6:00pm
End Time: Friday, June 18 at 8:00pm
Where: Albany Public Library's Elk St. Parking Garage
Library Assistant Open Competitive Exam
TO BE HELD: This exam will be held on-line from September 1 through September 30, 2010.
LAST FILING DATE: Applications must be received no later than Friday, July 30, 2010.
VACANCY: Resulting eligible list to be used to fill vacancies in the Albany Public Library.
SALARY: $15.64/ Hour
DUTIES OF THE POSITION: The work involves performance of a paraprofessional or specialized non-librarian duties. This position requires aptitude to operate independently within prescribed responsibilities. The work is performed under the general supervision of a Librarian.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must meet the minimum qualifications by the date of the examination. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Forms can be obtained by visiting the:
Civil Service Commission
City Hall Room 301
Albany, New York 12207
Phone: (518) 434-5049
A standard application must be filed for each examination. The applicant should be certain that every question is answered and that the application is complete in all respects, including the title of the examination.
• There will be no written or oral test for this examination. If you meet the minimum qualifications, you will receive a rating based upon an evaluation of your training and experience against the duties of the position being tested.
• Candidates must first complete an examination application and return it to the Albany Municipal Civil Service Commission on or before the last filing date of July 30, 2010.
• Approved candidates will be sent a notice containing directions to a website address needed to complete a Training and Experience Questionnaire.
• The Training and Experience Questionnaire will be available on September 1, 2010, and approved candidates will be required to complete and submit this questionnaire between September 1, 2010 and midnight, September 30, 2010. NOTE: Candidates will not be able to claim any credit for training or experience gained after the application filing deadline of July 30, 2010.
• Candidates who fail to submit a questionnaire by midnight, September 30, 2010, will not receive a rating.
TO BE HELD: This exam will be held on-line from September 1 through September 30, 2010.
LAST FILING DATE: Applications must be received no later than Friday, July 30, 2010.
VACANCY: Resulting eligible list to be used to fill vacancies in the Albany Public Library.
SALARY: $15.64/ Hour
DUTIES OF THE POSITION: The work involves performance of a paraprofessional or specialized non-librarian duties. This position requires aptitude to operate independently within prescribed responsibilities. The work is performed under the general supervision of a Librarian.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must meet the minimum qualifications by the date of the examination. Graduation from a regionally accredited or New York State registered college or university with a Bachelor’s Degree.
Forms can be obtained by visiting the:
Civil Service Commission
City Hall Room 301
Albany, New York 12207
Phone: (518) 434-5049
A standard application must be filed for each examination. The applicant should be certain that every question is answered and that the application is complete in all respects, including the title of the examination.
• There will be no written or oral test for this examination. If you meet the minimum qualifications, you will receive a rating based upon an evaluation of your training and experience against the duties of the position being tested.
• Candidates must first complete an examination application and return it to the Albany Municipal Civil Service Commission on or before the last filing date of July 30, 2010.
• Approved candidates will be sent a notice containing directions to a website address needed to complete a Training and Experience Questionnaire.
• The Training and Experience Questionnaire will be available on September 1, 2010, and approved candidates will be required to complete and submit this questionnaire between September 1, 2010 and midnight, September 30, 2010. NOTE: Candidates will not be able to claim any credit for training or experience gained after the application filing deadline of July 30, 2010.
• Candidates who fail to submit a questionnaire by midnight, September 30, 2010, will not receive a rating.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
New York State Library ILL unavailable 6/10
The New York State Library's catalog will be down all day Thursday, June 10th starting at 7:00am. NYSL hopes to be up and running on Friday, June 11th.
NYG = OCLC symbol
NYUNYS = Docline symbol
NYSL apologizes for any inconvenience.
NYG = OCLC symbol
NYUNYS = Docline symbol
NYSL apologizes for any inconvenience.
Volunteer Opportunities at Albany Public Library
Albany Public Library Bookstore
Co-Volunteer Coordinator - Main Branch
Job Description:
The Co-Volunteer will be responsible for supervising, training and scheduling volunteers in our bookstore and filling in shifts as needed. In addition the Co-Volunteer will assist volunteers as needed stocking and maintaining bookshelves and displays; electronic data entry; operating cash register and customer service.
Qualifications & Skills:
Demonstrate the ability to lead and manage the work of a team
Exhibit an innovative and creative approach to problem solving
Management experience
Training experience
Basic computer skills in excel
Retail experience
Strong interpersonal skills, particularly tact and courtesy in dealing with the public and other volunteers
Good sense of humor
Positive work attitude
Work Schedule:
Various shifts of 3 -4 hours are available between the following hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
To apply:
Applications found on our web page - "volunteer opportunities"
Complete application to volunteer and return to any library location or mail to:
Albany Public Library
Marjorie K. Reinhart
161 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Albany Public Library Bookstore
Volunteer Sales Associate- Main Branch
Job Description:
Volunteers in this position will be responsible for stocking and maintaining bookshelves and displays; electronic data entry; operating cash register and customer service.
Qualifications & Skills:
Basic computer skills (excel preferred)
Retail experience
Strong interpersonal skills, particularly tact and courtesy in dealing with the public and other volunteers
Good sense of humor
Positive work attitude
Ability to work as part of a team
Work Schedule:
Various shifts of 3 -4 hours are available between the following hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
To apply:
Applications found on our web page - "volunteer opportunities"
Complete application to volunteer and return to any library location or mail to:
Albany Public Library
Marjorie K. Reinhart
161 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Sarah Clark
Head of Readers' Services
Albany Public Library
161 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12210
(518) 427-4349
Co-Volunteer Coordinator - Main Branch
Job Description:
The Co-Volunteer will be responsible for supervising, training and scheduling volunteers in our bookstore and filling in shifts as needed. In addition the Co-Volunteer will assist volunteers as needed stocking and maintaining bookshelves and displays; electronic data entry; operating cash register and customer service.
Qualifications & Skills:
Demonstrate the ability to lead and manage the work of a team
Exhibit an innovative and creative approach to problem solving
Management experience
Training experience
Basic computer skills in excel
Retail experience
Strong interpersonal skills, particularly tact and courtesy in dealing with the public and other volunteers
Good sense of humor
Positive work attitude
Work Schedule:
Various shifts of 3 -4 hours are available between the following hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
To apply:
Applications found on our web page - "volunteer opportunities"
Complete application to volunteer and return to any library location or mail to:
Albany Public Library
Marjorie K. Reinhart
161 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Albany Public Library Bookstore
Volunteer Sales Associate- Main Branch
Job Description:
Volunteers in this position will be responsible for stocking and maintaining bookshelves and displays; electronic data entry; operating cash register and customer service.
Qualifications & Skills:
Basic computer skills (excel preferred)
Retail experience
Strong interpersonal skills, particularly tact and courtesy in dealing with the public and other volunteers
Good sense of humor
Positive work attitude
Ability to work as part of a team
Work Schedule:
Various shifts of 3 -4 hours are available between the following hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 11 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
To apply:
Applications found on our web page - "volunteer opportunities"
Complete application to volunteer and return to any library location or mail to:
Albany Public Library
Marjorie K. Reinhart
161 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12210
Sarah Clark
Head of Readers' Services
Albany Public Library
161 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12210
(518) 427-4349
An Arbor Hill Saturday
It occurred to me that one could make a day of it in Arbor Hill on Saturday, June 12th. First, one could work on the Stephen & Harriet Myers residence cleanup & workday, 194 Livingston Avenue in Albany, the second of the season from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This is part of the work of restoration for what should become a first class historic site. Call 518-432-4432 if you need information or have questions.
Then one could walk over to Henry Johnson at First Street to attend the grand opening of the fifth of five Albany Public Library branch openings over the past six months: the Arbor Hill/West Hill location. Find about the branch, featured in the June 7 edition of the Times Union newspaper, and Saturday's party HERE.
Then one could walk over to Henry Johnson at First Street to attend the grand opening of the fifth of five Albany Public Library branch openings over the past six months: the Arbor Hill/West Hill location. Find about the branch, featured in the June 7 edition of the Times Union newspaper, and Saturday's party HERE.
The Death of the Library: Read It and Weep
While the conventional wisdom these days seems to be "Who needs libraries when you have Google?," the truth is that Google is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to research skills. As Sara Scribner, a children's librarian in Pasadena, California, notes, "In a time when information literacy is increasingly crucial to life and work, not teaching kids how to search for information is like sending them out into the world without knowing how to read."
Among other skills she teaches her pupils are how to sift through different kinds of reference materials (e.g. books, online resources, academic databases), how to tell good online information from bad and how to save time by optimizing search terms. In a country where education reform remains an ongoing -- if unresolved -- priority, you'd think that teaching our children basic library skills ought to be paramount.
Libraries are also crucial for adults. I have a good friend who's a reference librarian at one of the major urban public libraries in the United States. Day in and day out, she answers an enormous range of questions on every subject under the sun from people from every age (from 7 to 70) and race and occupational and income group you can imagine. Some of these people don't speak English very well or are too old to be computer literate. They come to the library because, as she put it, "it's the poor man's university."
More HERE.
Among other skills she teaches her pupils are how to sift through different kinds of reference materials (e.g. books, online resources, academic databases), how to tell good online information from bad and how to save time by optimizing search terms. In a country where education reform remains an ongoing -- if unresolved -- priority, you'd think that teaching our children basic library skills ought to be paramount.
Libraries are also crucial for adults. I have a good friend who's a reference librarian at one of the major urban public libraries in the United States. Day in and day out, she answers an enormous range of questions on every subject under the sun from people from every age (from 7 to 70) and race and occupational and income group you can imagine. Some of these people don't speak English very well or are too old to be computer literate. They come to the library because, as she put it, "it's the poor man's university."
More HERE.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Executive Director, Mid-Hudson Library System
The Board of the Mid-Hudson Library System (MHLS), an Equal Opportunity Employer, is expanding its search for the position of Executive Director due to the June retirement of the 10-year incumbent. Based in Poughkeepsie, New York, MHLS is a state-supported cooperative/ interdependent system of 66 large and small local libraries in a five-county region of the mid-Hudson River valley. 17 full-time and 8 part-time employees provide a wide range of catalogue, circulation, program, support, and technology services to the member libraries. Program Plan of Service and annual budget application require State approval.
The Executive Director reports to the Board of Trustees and will provide oversight and leadership for the staff in developing these programs and services. Extensive communication and interaction with the Directors and Boards of the member libraries is required to determine the specific mix which will best meet the needs of the member libraries. The Executive Director will represent the system and member libraries at NYLA and in other professional venues.
The successful candidate will:
• Be a visible leader willing to become thoroughly acquainted with our system needs and the needs/personnel of the member libraries
• Be an exceptional listener and communicator with outstanding interpersonal skills
• Be an administrator who empowers others but remains accountable for all areas of planning, oversight, personnel, and budget
• Be a public librarian with the exceptional experience, flexibility, and vision to help our system provide continuing high levels of service to our member libraries in our current economic climate, and to help our system evolve to meet future needs and constraints
• Hold a Master of Library Science (MLS) degree from an ALA-accredited institution
• Hold or be eligible to hold a New York State Public Librarian Certificate
• Have eight or more years of professional library experience (post MLS) at least two years of which shall have been in an administrative capacity
• Be familiar with, or demonstrate the ability to become familiar with the unique relationship between local libraries and library systems in New York State
Pay Range: $105K/year – Negotiable depending on experience – Competitive benefits
To Apply: Please submit a cover letter, resume, and three professional references to Application review to begin on August 1, 2010.
The Executive Director reports to the Board of Trustees and will provide oversight and leadership for the staff in developing these programs and services. Extensive communication and interaction with the Directors and Boards of the member libraries is required to determine the specific mix which will best meet the needs of the member libraries. The Executive Director will represent the system and member libraries at NYLA and in other professional venues.
The successful candidate will:
• Be a visible leader willing to become thoroughly acquainted with our system needs and the needs/personnel of the member libraries
• Be an exceptional listener and communicator with outstanding interpersonal skills
• Be an administrator who empowers others but remains accountable for all areas of planning, oversight, personnel, and budget
• Be a public librarian with the exceptional experience, flexibility, and vision to help our system provide continuing high levels of service to our member libraries in our current economic climate, and to help our system evolve to meet future needs and constraints
• Hold a Master of Library Science (MLS) degree from an ALA-accredited institution
• Hold or be eligible to hold a New York State Public Librarian Certificate
• Have eight or more years of professional library experience (post MLS) at least two years of which shall have been in an administrative capacity
• Be familiar with, or demonstrate the ability to become familiar with the unique relationship between local libraries and library systems in New York State
Pay Range: $105K/year – Negotiable depending on experience – Competitive benefits
To Apply: Please submit a cover letter, resume, and three professional references to Application review to begin on August 1, 2010.
10 Truly Unique Bookstores in America
Traveling this summer?
Bookstores outside the mainstream give cities across America (and the world!) a dose of local spice and build supportive communities of like-minded individuals. Some focus on certain genres, some would rather promote a specific ideology, and others want to encourage academic research (or other form of appreciation) appreciation of an oft-ignored niche. Regardless of their bent, these unique, often quirky, and extremely intriguing bookstores help open up the country to a far broader spectrum of literature found far beyond the realm of the commercial chain. While many of them do carry popular literature from major publishers, their true calling lay with offering a haven for hobbyists, professionals, and fans from oft-ignored or overlooked markets. And the United States is certainly better off because of it.
Bookstores outside the mainstream give cities across America (and the world!) a dose of local spice and build supportive communities of like-minded individuals. Some focus on certain genres, some would rather promote a specific ideology, and others want to encourage academic research (or other form of appreciation) appreciation of an oft-ignored niche. Regardless of their bent, these unique, often quirky, and extremely intriguing bookstores help open up the country to a far broader spectrum of literature found far beyond the realm of the commercial chain. While many of them do carry popular literature from major publishers, their true calling lay with offering a haven for hobbyists, professionals, and fans from oft-ignored or overlooked markets. And the United States is certainly better off because of it.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Preparing for College Financially
One of my State Data Center colleagues, Dale Miller, pointed this out to me. He thinks this is important to share, and I quite concur. Moreover, this being the graduation season, it’s timely!
He has discovered that many parents are quite surprised about how much they are expected to contribute to their kids’ college costs. Dale writes, "This is referred to as their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). What typically happens is that parents bumble along (I know we did) until their child is a junior in HS and then they go through the process of applying to colleges and for financial aid at the website when WHAM >>>> - they get a reality check upside the head when it comes to how much the federal government thinks THEY can contribute toward attending school." I can imasgine there are MANY parents sitting in financial aid office with tears in their eyes over this.
What can the schools or government could do to reduce this sticker shock when it comes to EFCs? Dale notes, "Figuring out financial aid has always been a bit of a 'black box'. You put a bunch of numbers in and out comes your EFC with no understanding of what it is or how it comes about.
"Lo and behold, there is now a way to determine your EFC at the FAFSA website. It is called fafsa4caster. Basically you can punch in info for the current year as though your child were applying to a college right now, and get an EFC figured out for you. It takes maybe 15 minutes to do and requires you to answer a TON of questions, including tax and investment questions. (I estimated some just playing around with the website to see how it works, you could do the same if you wanted to get a ballpark EFC for your family.)
"Regardless, it is exactly what I have always maintained people should be able to do. Even better, it allows people to see their EFC right now, even if their kids are young and not even in kindergarten, let alone high school or college. So my challenge to everyone is to try it, and be prepared to hear the collective gasps of parents or perspective parents around the web as they see what their EFC actually is !
"OK, go to and pick option "B" to get started. Remember, you’ll need some basics like your adjusted gross income and how much you paid in taxes last year. Having other info, like any 529 Education account balances, or 401K contributions is also good to have. But even in the worst case, you can just punch in some estimates to see what ballpark your EFC will fall in."
Dale believes that putting this information on this site "could help people reassess what they are doing to prepare for their kids' futures!"
He has discovered that many parents are quite surprised about how much they are expected to contribute to their kids’ college costs. Dale writes, "This is referred to as their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). What typically happens is that parents bumble along (I know we did) until their child is a junior in HS and then they go through the process of applying to colleges and for financial aid at the website when WHAM >>>> - they get a reality check upside the head when it comes to how much the federal government thinks THEY can contribute toward attending school." I can imasgine there are MANY parents sitting in financial aid office with tears in their eyes over this.
What can the schools or government could do to reduce this sticker shock when it comes to EFCs? Dale notes, "Figuring out financial aid has always been a bit of a 'black box'. You put a bunch of numbers in and out comes your EFC with no understanding of what it is or how it comes about.
"Lo and behold, there is now a way to determine your EFC at the FAFSA website. It is called fafsa4caster. Basically you can punch in info for the current year as though your child were applying to a college right now, and get an EFC figured out for you. It takes maybe 15 minutes to do and requires you to answer a TON of questions, including tax and investment questions. (I estimated some just playing around with the website to see how it works, you could do the same if you wanted to get a ballpark EFC for your family.)
"Regardless, it is exactly what I have always maintained people should be able to do. Even better, it allows people to see their EFC right now, even if their kids are young and not even in kindergarten, let alone high school or college. So my challenge to everyone is to try it, and be prepared to hear the collective gasps of parents or perspective parents around the web as they see what their EFC actually is !
"OK, go to and pick option "B" to get started. Remember, you’ll need some basics like your adjusted gross income and how much you paid in taxes last year. Having other info, like any 529 Education account balances, or 401K contributions is also good to have. But even in the worst case, you can just punch in some estimates to see what ballpark your EFC will fall in."
Dale believes that putting this information on this site "could help people reassess what they are doing to prepare for their kids' futures!"
Expected Family Contribution,
Sunday, June 06, 2010
We Will Not Be Shushed: A 24 Hour Read-In
June 12th -13th 5pm - 5pm
Front Steps of the Brooklyn (NY) Public Library @ Grand Army Plaza
The We Will Not Be Shushed 24-Hour Read-In brings New Yorkers together for 24-hours of continuous public reading to draw attention to budgetary issues. From 5PM Saturday to 5PM Sunday, in 20 minute increments, public library supporters and staff will read aloud from books of their choosing. As a reflection of the wide range of information to be found in libraries, and the diversity of New York City's library patrons, readings will span multiple genres, and include late-night scary stories and a Sunday morning storytime for children.
New York City is famous for its world-class public libraries. The three library systems serve 8 million residents from a combined 212 locations, numbering over 43 million visits in FY'09. Since the economic crisis began, library use has been at an all-time high, with many New Yorkers depending on their local library for access to the information, resources, and programs necessary to conduct job searches, complete their education, navigate the Internet, and access public services.
This year, public libraries are facing devastating budget cuts. Mayor Bloomberg's Executive Budget for FY'11 calls for a reduction in funding of $16.9 million for Queens Library, $20.6 million for Brooklyn Public Library, and $37 million for New York Public Library. This represents a cumulative 30% decrease in funding since 2008.
If enacted, the budget cuts will result in the closure of 40 libraries citywide - 16 branches at Brooklyn Public Library, 14 at Queens Library, and 10 at New York Public Library. 30% of library staff will be laid off, library service hours for many branches will be reduced to 2-3 days, and countless programs that New Yorkers depend on every day will be eliminated. Libraries' ability to assist New Yorkers with job searching, afterschool tutoring, computer access and instruction, English classes, and research will be heavily compromised. Unless the City Council votes to restore funding, library service levels will be sharply reduced by July 1, 2010.
Front Steps of the Brooklyn (NY) Public Library @ Grand Army Plaza
The We Will Not Be Shushed 24-Hour Read-In brings New Yorkers together for 24-hours of continuous public reading to draw attention to budgetary issues. From 5PM Saturday to 5PM Sunday, in 20 minute increments, public library supporters and staff will read aloud from books of their choosing. As a reflection of the wide range of information to be found in libraries, and the diversity of New York City's library patrons, readings will span multiple genres, and include late-night scary stories and a Sunday morning storytime for children.
New York City is famous for its world-class public libraries. The three library systems serve 8 million residents from a combined 212 locations, numbering over 43 million visits in FY'09. Since the economic crisis began, library use has been at an all-time high, with many New Yorkers depending on their local library for access to the information, resources, and programs necessary to conduct job searches, complete their education, navigate the Internet, and access public services.
This year, public libraries are facing devastating budget cuts. Mayor Bloomberg's Executive Budget for FY'11 calls for a reduction in funding of $16.9 million for Queens Library, $20.6 million for Brooklyn Public Library, and $37 million for New York Public Library. This represents a cumulative 30% decrease in funding since 2008.
If enacted, the budget cuts will result in the closure of 40 libraries citywide - 16 branches at Brooklyn Public Library, 14 at Queens Library, and 10 at New York Public Library. 30% of library staff will be laid off, library service hours for many branches will be reduced to 2-3 days, and countless programs that New Yorkers depend on every day will be eliminated. Libraries' ability to assist New Yorkers with job searching, afterschool tutoring, computer access and instruction, English classes, and research will be heavily compromised. Unless the City Council votes to restore funding, library service levels will be sharply reduced by July 1, 2010.
New York City,
Queens Library
Friday, June 04, 2010
Thursday, June 03, 2010
The Census Bureau is conducting a half-day workshop for data users on the 2007 Economic Census.
• New users learn about the range of data about businesses available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets.
• Experienced users learn about new features of the data, comparability issues, and qualifications of the data.
• Attendees gain skills in accessing Economic Census data in American FactFinder.
• Attendees have the opportunity to tell others about their own practical applications of the data and learn what others are doing.
Albany, NY
Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Cost: FREE
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
CESTM Auditorium, Building 251
257 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203
Register HERE
Additional Workshops in New York State:
Additional workshops are planned for New York City (June 10 and 11, 2010) and Syracuse (June 24, 2010). For details about these workshops see HERE.
For more information contact:
Melissa Preston, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, (518) 437-8680 or
• College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
• New York State Department of Economic Development
• New York State Small Business Development Center
• New users learn about the range of data about businesses available from the Census Bureau, including both the Economic Census and more frequent data sets.
• Experienced users learn about new features of the data, comparability issues, and qualifications of the data.
• Attendees gain skills in accessing Economic Census data in American FactFinder.
• Attendees have the opportunity to tell others about their own practical applications of the data and learn what others are doing.
Albany, NY
Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Cost: FREE
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
CESTM Auditorium, Building 251
257 Fuller Road
Albany, NY 12203
Register HERE
Additional Workshops in New York State:
Additional workshops are planned for New York City (June 10 and 11, 2010) and Syracuse (June 24, 2010). For details about these workshops see HERE.
For more information contact:
Melissa Preston, College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering, (518) 437-8680 or
• College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering of the University at Albany
• New York State Department of Economic Development
• New York State Small Business Development Center
President Obama Honors Paul McCartney
The President hails Paul McCartney’s contribution to popular music and song during a ceremony to present the singer with the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize on Wednesday evening, June 2.
And the President gives props to the Librarian of Congress.
The full program will air on Wednesday, July 28 at 8 pm EDT on PBS with performances by Stevie Wonder (who won the Gershwin Award last year), Herbie Hancock, Elvis Costello, Jonas Brothers, Emmylou Harris, Faith Hill, Corinne Bailey Rae, Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl, and Jack White of the White Stripes.
And the President gives props to the Librarian of Congress.
The full program will air on Wednesday, July 28 at 8 pm EDT on PBS with performances by Stevie Wonder (who won the Gershwin Award last year), Herbie Hancock, Elvis Costello, Jonas Brothers, Emmylou Harris, Faith Hill, Corinne Bailey Rae, Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl, and Jack White of the White Stripes.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides some information about the number of librarians in the US. Also, OCLC provides some global library statistics that I find interesting.
Number of Libraries in the United States
Number of Libraries in the United States
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
State Library launches Lifelines Website: Working with Digital Citizens
A new State Library website entitled Information Lifelines provides access to library and statewide e-resources to help patrons access online support services.
The Lifelines site supports civic engagement in a digital world and provides a reason for using broadband as a tool for daily living. Resources for families and children, older adults, veterans, career support, and municipal services, such as the temporary disability benefit screening, have been rolled into one-click web tool for information discovery.
In a difficult economy, library patrons are seeking support for services from library staff more than ever. The State Library has launched the Lifelines website to help New Yorkers find high quality and relevant information for key services and as a supporting resource for library staff in a time of personnel cutbacks, library closures and the reduction of library staff available to prepare guides for patrons seeking guidance and support.
The Information Lifelines site can also be purposed as a helping hand or teaching tool for libraries in working with special populations to help build confidence in navigating the Internet. The site links to outreach pages within the State Library and many external resources that New Yorkers may want to consult to cope with a challenging economy.
Visit the Information Lifelines site and send your comments and suggestions for developing this resource to Elizabeth Carrature, the Division of Library Development, The New York State Library, by email: or by phone: 518-486-2888.
The Lifelines site supports civic engagement in a digital world and provides a reason for using broadband as a tool for daily living. Resources for families and children, older adults, veterans, career support, and municipal services, such as the temporary disability benefit screening, have been rolled into one-click web tool for information discovery.
In a difficult economy, library patrons are seeking support for services from library staff more than ever. The State Library has launched the Lifelines website to help New Yorkers find high quality and relevant information for key services and as a supporting resource for library staff in a time of personnel cutbacks, library closures and the reduction of library staff available to prepare guides for patrons seeking guidance and support.
The Information Lifelines site can also be purposed as a helping hand or teaching tool for libraries in working with special populations to help build confidence in navigating the Internet. The site links to outreach pages within the State Library and many external resources that New Yorkers may want to consult to cope with a challenging economy.
Visit the Information Lifelines site and send your comments and suggestions for developing this resource to Elizabeth Carrature, the Division of Library Development, The New York State Library, by email: or by phone: 518-486-2888.
health care,
New York State Library
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Welcome the Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library on June 12
Albany Public Library Invites You to Join Us in Celebrating
The Grand Opening of Albany's New Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library
148 Henry Johnson Boulevard
Saturday, June 12, 1 to 5 p.m.
Welcome and ribbon-cutting ceremony starts at 1 p.m.
The brand new Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library is a center of information and community for this neighborhood. We hope you can join us in celebrating the last of five new neighborhood libraries built in Albany under the Branch Improvement Plan.
The Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library grand opening party is truly a celebration for the entire community, so we kindly ask you to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Janeth Luna:
(518) 427-4305 or
The Grand Opening of Albany's New Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library
148 Henry Johnson Boulevard
Saturday, June 12, 1 to 5 p.m.
Welcome and ribbon-cutting ceremony starts at 1 p.m.
The brand new Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library is a center of information and community for this neighborhood. We hope you can join us in celebrating the last of five new neighborhood libraries built in Albany under the Branch Improvement Plan.
The Arbor Hill/West Hill Branch Library grand opening party is truly a celebration for the entire community, so we kindly ask you to share this invitation with your friends and colleagues.
For more information and to RSVP, please contact Janeth Luna:
(518) 427-4305 or
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